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Global Facility to Decarbonize Transport (GFDT)

Annual Reports

The 2023 Annual Report of the Global Facility to Decarbonize Transport (GFDT) covers the period from September 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023. This is GFDT¡¯s first annual report.


During the reporting period, GFDT-funded activities engaged 13 countries and 94 government entities via advisory services, technical support or capacity building; published numerous action plans, strategy documents, and policy recommendations; and informed and enhanced 8 World Bank lending operations under preparation, and 12 operations under implementation.


In addition, GFDT allocated $3.2 million in grants to seven activities, which are expected to catalyze $480 million in World Bank financing for green mobility projects.

The Global Facility to Decarbonize Transport (GFDT) is a multi-donor trust fund that aims to accelerate innovation and investment toward climate-smart mobility solutions.

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Shokraneh Minovi