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The 50th anniversary of the ICP


Celebration Events

Multimedia: 50th Anniversary Video

ICP Posters



In 2018, the ICP celebrates the 50th anniversary of its inception in 1968 as a joint venture of the United Nations and the University of Pennsylvania, under the leadership of Irving Kravis, Robert Summers and Alan Heston. The program has come a long way since then and has evolved into the largest statistical partnership in the world with the participation of about 200 countries, 20 global, regional and sub-regional agencies, and renowned experts. In recognition of the ICP¡¯s relevance and impact, the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) instituted the program as a permanent element of the global statistical work program in 2016.

To commemorate the ICP golden jubilee, a series of events will be organized throughout the year, starting with a celebration with all partner countries around the 49th Session of the UNSC in March 2018 in New York. A video and posters were prepared for this event, and will be exhibited in the United Nations headquarters in March 2018.

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Celebration Events:

50 Years of Measuring World Economies, Washington DC, May 2018

To commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the ICP, the World Bank Group hosted an event on May 23, 2018 at its Headquarters in Washington DC. World Bank Group Chief Executive Officer Kristalina Georgieva delivered opening remarks to a fireside chat with 2015 Nobel Laureate in economics Sir Angus Deaton and Georgetown University Provost Robert M. Groves on the challenges and opportunities for investing in evidence for sustainable development.  Lawrence H. Summers, the 71st Secretary of the US Treasury and son of ICP co-founder Robert Summers, shared a recorded tribute. A recording of live streaming of the event is available on the following special website:




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Celebration lunch with Inter-Agency Coordination Group and experts, Washington DC, March 2018

Representatives from the AfDB, ADB, CIS-STAT, Eurostat, IMF, OECD, UN-ESCWA, UN-ECLAC, ICP technical experts, and the World Bank hold a celebration lunch on March 14, 2018, in conjunction with the 5th Inter-Agency Coordination Group meeting.


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Reception for UNSC Delegates & ICP video and poster exhibition at the UN headquarters, New York, March 2018

A reception for all United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) delegations took place on March 6, 2018 in New York to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the International Comparison Program (ICP). Zachary Mwangi Chege, UNSC Chair and Director General, Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, Haishan Fu, Director, World Bank Development Data Group, and Stefan Schweinfest, Director, United Nations Statistics Divisions delivered keynote remarks. A poster and video exhibition was organized around the 49th Session of the UNSC to showcase the history, importance, uses and the impact of the ICP.  


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ICP Posters:










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