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Employment and Own-Use Production in Household Surveys: A Practical Guide for Measuring Labor


Labor statistics provide essential information for macroeconomic planning and policy formulation on employment creation, vocational training, income generation, and poverty reduction. A clear understanding and accurate comparability of labor indicators are therefore crucial for promoting efficient policies across countries and require the consistent application of international standards in collecting employment data in multi-topic household surveys. This Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) guidebook provides informed advice to statisticians and survey practitioners on the accurate measurement of employment and work in accordance with standards of the 19th International conference of labor statisticians (ICLS) and in the context of multi-topic household surveys.


  •  (editable template)    
  •  (editable template)


  • Josefine Durazo
  • Valentina Costa
  • Amparo Palacios-Lopez
  • Isis Gaddis

Issued on

September, 2021