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REACH Events

REACH hosts a variety of events each year, including roundtable discussions, workshops, and panels, with the aim of educating people about the potential of results-based financing as well as capturing knowledge on the approach. It brings together experts to share their knowledge and experience in the field, and trains World Bank teams to leverage the strategy to achieve better results in education outcomes.



How Can Results-based Financing Promote Book Development and Reading at Home?  |Brown Bag Breakfast | Online | January 27, 2022| 


Do Monetary Incentives Work to Improve Teacher Training and Teaching Practices? Lessons from Sierra Leone.  |Brown Bag Breakfast | Online | November 16, 2021| 

The Role of Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers in Improving Education Outcomes |Virtual Book Launch | Online | November 10, 2021| 

Results-Based Financing and the Book Supply Chain: How to Create 120 Story Books in 12 Hours |Brown Bag Breakfast | Online | May 18, 2021 |   

Carrot or Stick? Can RBF improve the effectiveness of short-term education and skills training programs for out-of-school youth? |Brown Bag Breakfast | Online | March 18, 2021 |   

Managerial Capacity and the Effectiveness of School-Based Management Reforms: Evidence from a Randomized Evaluation in Jakarta |Brown Bag Breakfast | Online | February 2, 2021 |


Can Financial Incentives Improve the Last-Mile Delivery of Textbooks? |Brown Bag Breakfast | Online | October 22, 2020 | 

Cambodia's Digital Track and Trace System for Books: Lessons for promoting reading during the COVID-19 crisis |Brown Bag Breakfast | Online | June 3, 2020 | 

Voices from the "Middle": Insights on the Lived Realities of Teacher Mentors in India |Brown Bag Breakfast |Online| Thursday, June 4, 2020 | 

Managing the Middle: Decision-Making within Education Bureaucracies |Brown Bag Breakfast | April 30, 2020 | 

Manager selection and student learning: Evidence from a national reform in Peru | Brown Bag Lunch | April 8, 2020 |  


What¡¯s in the Data for Results-Based Financing in Education | Brown Bag Lunch | November 26, 2019

Results-Based Financing Approaches to Strengthening Book Chain Systems | Country-level stakeholder workshops Phnom Penh, Cambodia | February 20-21, 2019

Kigali, Rwanda | October 8-9, 2019

Niger | May 14, 2019

Sustainable or Short-Lived? Lessons from Results-Based Financing in Education Panel Discussion in the Comparative & International Education Society (CIES) | Annual Conference | San Francisco | April 14¨C18, 2019

Results-Based Approaches for Financing Education |Panel Discussion & Launch of  at the Education World Forum |London, England | January 21, 2019 | 

Results-Based Approaches for Financing Education | Brown Bag Lunches | NORAD (Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation) | Oslo, Norway | January 24, 2019 | BMZ (Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (Germany))| Bonn, Germany | January 23, 2019 | DfiD (Department for International Development (UK)) | London, England | January 22, 2019 | 


RBF for Breakfast: Teacher Incentives and What to Consider When Designing Them | Brown Bag Lunch | February 2018

Global Partnership for Education¡¯s Variable Part: Design and Implementation | Brown Bag Lunch | May 16, 2018
 | Panel Discussion | February 28, 2018 

RBF for Breakfast: Education Quality Indicators & Information Systems | Round Table Discussion | October 5, 2017 | 
Impact Bonds: Can they Deliver Outcomes, Faster and Cheaper? | Panel Discussion co-hosted by Education, Finance & Market, and Trade and Competitiveness Global Practices at the World Bank | October 4, 2017 | 
Results-Based Financing for Breakfast: Things to Consider in the Design of Performance-Based School Grants | Round Table Discussion | June 28, 2017
Program-for-Results (PforR) in Education: Towards Strengthening Institutions and Financing Results | Panel Discussion | May 10, 2017
Results-Based Financing in Education: Financing Results to Strengthen Systems | Panel Discussion in the Building Evidence in Education (BE2) meeting | Florence, Italy | April 5, 2017
 | Panel Discussion co-hosted with Results for Development (R4D)| March 23, 2017
 | Panel Discussion in the Comparative & International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference | Atlanta, Georgia | March 5, 2017
How are Schools like Clinics? Identifying Commonalities in RBF Approaches across Human Development Sector | Round Table Discussion | November 22, 2016
Global Partnership for Education¡¯s Variable Tranche | Brown Bag Lunch | October 13, 2016
Program for Results (PforR) in Education | Training co-hosted with Education Staff Development Program (ESDP) and Operations Policy and Country Services (OPCS) | September 27, 2016
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Paradigm Shift or Latest Fashion? Results Based Financing in Education | Panel Discussion at the Global Partnership for Education Annual Board Meeting | Oslo, Norway | June 16, 2016
 | Debate co-hosted with the World Bank Governance Global Practice | May 4, 2016
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Beyond Test Scores: Measuring Education Quality in Colombia | Brown Bag Lunch | April 7, 2016 | 
The Promise and Potential of Results-Based Financing in Education | Brown Bag Lunch, Global Partnership for Education | March 22, 2016
Tanzania Big Results Now
Can School Grants Buy Learning? | Debate | November 24, 2015 |