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Reporting in Nepal

April 14, 2017

More than a dozen journalists from Kathmandu and the more rural districts of Nepal spent four days learning about data and development ¨C how to use numbers to tell a story, how to know when numbers lie and what to do to make the numbers come alive for readers, listeners and television audiences. The workshop in Kathmandu, sponsored by SIEF with the U.N. Foundation, included modules on impact evaluation methods and actual impact evaluations studies in Nepal of relevance to reporters. The workshop was held March 27-30 in Kathmandu, Nepal. 

" I now realize that all the before and after comparisons that organizations do aren't giving us the full story "

Amardhoj Lama

Radio Nepal

During the training, the journalists traveled with UNICEF to the district of Lubhu to visit a health clinic that focuses on pre-natal health and mothers with children 0-3 years old. The journalists learned steps pregnant mothers should take from pregnancy to childhood, saw the important vaccines that newborns should receive, interviewed the clinic's volunteer health workers, and presented data-driven story ideas when they returned from the visit.




Top Questions and Resources

Questions Journalists are Asking

  • How do you verify data the source of your data?
  • How do you get access to data especially if you live in a place without access to the internet?
  • There are new schools being opened up by the government. Should we open new schools or improve current ones?
  • How can we ensure that health programs implemented by development agencies are what the community needs and not just what the international organization wants?
  • As agriculture is the main source of income and employment for the majority of Nepalis, should everybody pursue higher education?

Top Resources

  1. Strategic Impact Evaluation Fund (SIEF)
  2. World Bank education site

Resources on Data Journalism

What journalists are saying:


Social Media




Alongside this workshop, SIEF senior communications officer Aliza Marcus moderated a panel with local media and development experts on how governments and non-governmental groups could better work with the media to promote strong reporting on development issues. (March 2017)

: Training Journalists on Data and the Global Goals
Kathmandu, Nepal, March 27-30, 2017


  • Amardhoj Lama, Radio Nepal
  • Anil Nyaupane, Swasthya Khabar Patrika
  • Deepak Dahal, Nagarik Daily
  • Guna Raj Luitel, Nagarik Daily
  • Krishnamaya Upadhaya, BBC Nepali
  • Manika Jha, freelancer
  • Nabaraj Mahatara, Radio Karnali Aawaj
  • Rabin Racahlica, Punarjagaran Weekly
  • Ramu Sapkota, Himal Khabarpatrika
  • Ruby Rauniyar, Nagarik Daily
  • Sahina Shrestha, Nepali Times
  • Shreejana Shrestha, Nepali Times
  • Surendra Paudyal, Nepal Television
  • Tekraj Thami, Naya Patrika