SIEF, which receives funding from the British government¡¯s foreign aid arm DFID and the Children¡¯s Investment Fund Foundation, currently supports almost 80 impact evaluations of programs in four areas critical to human development: early childhood nutrition and development, education, health, and water and sanitation. In addition, between 2007 and 2012, with funding primarily from the Government of Spain, what is now known as SIEF1, funded more than 40 evaluations of programs aimed at improving youth employment, reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS, using conditional cash transfers to strengthen children¡¯s education and health, and other key development issues. Detailed information about all the evaluations is found through the links below.
This page lists a sample of publications from SIEF-supported impact evaluations. Please see individual evaluation pages for specific publications produced by SIEF research teams, including media coverage, presentations and videos. In addition, visit our Interviews and Blogs page, our Measurement page, page, our Impact page and other webpages for more products related to SIEF evaluations and their impact on policy.