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Statistical Performance Indicators (SPI)

Explore the SPI Data

This page provides a collection of visualization, tools and resources to better understand and use the SPI data. For instance, you can:


See how a country performs on the pillars and dimensions

The SPI is based on five pillars which in turn are comprised of four to five dimensions each. Scores for each pillar and dimension combine to produce the overall country score. A detailed description of the SPI framework by pillar, dimensions, and underlying indicators can be found .

Select a country to see its scores at the pillar and dimension levels and assess areas where the country may be struggling.

Track a national system¡¯s performance over time

A country¡¯s statistical performance can improve¡ªor decline¡ªover time because of changes in scores within each pillar. Select a country to see how its pillar-level scores have changed since 2016, and how those changes are reflected in the overall score. You can also select individual pillars or dimensions.

Compare SPI scores to other development outcomes

Overall SPI scores are strongly correlated with several leading development indicators, such as GDP per capita and indicators of human capital or government effectiveness. However, many countries over-perform or under-perform on the SPI Index compared to their levels of development. Select an indicator from the list below to see how countries relate in terms of their overall statistical performance and development outcomes.

Explore further with the SPI dashboard

The  provides many more tools to understand the SPI. For example, you can:

  • at the overall, pillar and dimension levels
  • Compare 
  • Change dimensional weights to


Download SPI data and code

Visit our to obtain the raw data and code used to produce the SPI indicators at the overall, pillar and dimension levels.