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World Bank Group in Action: Projects in the Amazonia

ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº Group¡¯s current portfolio in the Amazonia includes projects in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, and Suriname.

The projects focus on forest management, land use planning, promotion of climate-smart agriculture, strengthening business environment and access to finance, as well as critical investments in basic infrastructure, health and education systems.?

These are some of ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº Group signature projects:


Amazonia Viva - Guardianes del Amazonas
Guardians of the Forests (Brazil)

ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº's support of Guardians of the Forest (previously known as Bolsa de Floresta) is part of the. With a $200 million loan, Amazonas restructured its public finances, increased administrative transparency, strengthened environmental conservation, and prepared for a REDD+ system and forest concessions. The funds also helped extend the Guardians of the Forest's reach to 14,500 families, up from 9,602, and supported the development of community infrastructure, such as small river ports, throughout the state.


Amazonia Viva - Corazon de la Amazonia
Forest Conservation and Sustainability in the Heart of the Colombian Amazonia: 

The  is part of the Amazon Sustainable Landscapes (ASL) Program, funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), implemented between the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, SINCHI Research Institute, National Natural Parks of Colombia, IDEAM, Corpoamazonia, CDA, Natural Heritage Fund, and with the World Bank support. The project aims to strengthen institutional and community forest governance, conserve forests and promote sustainable management in the Colombian Amazon.


Amazonia Viva = project Brazil ASL
The Brazil Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Project

This project aims to expand the area under legal protection, improve the management of protected areas, and increase the area under restoration and sustainable management in the Brazilian Amazon.  With financing of $80 million the project is the largest in the history of the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The project intervenes in nine states of the Amazon, and supports the Amazon Regional Protected Areas Program, the world¡¯s largest tropical forest conservation initiative. The project implementation is led by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change in partnership with state environmental agencies of Acre, Amazonas, Par¨¢, and Rond?nia; the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (Instituto Chico Mendes de Conserva??o da Biodiversidade, ICMBio); Brazilian Forest Service (Servi?o Florestal Brasileiro, SFB); with Fundo Brasileiro de Biodiversidade (FUNBIO), Conserva??o International-Brazil and Funda??o Get¨²lio Vargas (FGV) serving as executing agencies.

Natura¡¯s Bond to Improve Sourcing of Bioingredients from the Amazonia (Brazil)

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) will invest in  to promote the bioeconomy in the Amazonia and contribute to the protection and regeneration of the Amazonian Forest. IFC's investment will also contribute to boost local economy and communities and support agroforestry sustainable supply chains in the forest.


Amazonia Viva - BBVA IFC project
First Biodiversity Bond in the Financial Sector (Colombia)

BBVA and the IFC issued that will amount to US$70 million, with the objective to finance projects that address the key drivers of biodiversity loss, particularly focused on reforestation, regeneration of natural forests on degraded lands, climate-smart and regenerative agriculture, restoration of wildlife habitats, among others.


Amazonia Viva - MIGA project
Banco do Brasil No-Till Farming 

The will be usedto support BdB¡¯s local lending operations for Micro, Small and Medium (MSME) farmers engaged in no-till agriculture, which is considered a climate-smart practice. 


Amazonia Viva - Peru project
Integrated Forestry Management in the Department of Ucayali (Peru)

More than 2,300 indigenous families and forest users from Peru are the main beneficiaries of  that aims to recover 380,500 hectares of forestlands, with US$12.2 million in financing.


Amazonia Viva - Brazil Para project
Sustainable Human Development Project in the State of Par¨¢ (Brazil)

The  will help the State improve social services and food security, enhance learning, and promote forest conservation in a region where livelihoods depend directly on natural resources. About 550,000 people in 144 municipalities are expected to benefit directly from these activities.


Learn more about World Bank Group projects in the Amazonia 

Latest Reports

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