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Violence Against Women & Girls -- Resource Guide

Sector Briefs

The Sector Briefs provide guidance to help development professionals understand how VAWG affects programming in their sector, and offer suggestions for integrating VAWG prevention and response activities within each sector at the policy, institutional, and community level. The briefs also provide some detail about lessons learned from previous efforts to integrate VAWG, including those centered on working across multiple sectors.

An Important Note for the User

  • This resource guide is grounded in the understanding that the reader is not a specialist on preventing violence against women and girls, and in the recognition that the strategic objectives of many development projects will not be centered on VAWG prevention and response. However, beyond being a violation of human rights, VAWG can impede development projects from achieving the greatest possible impact by hindering the contribution of beneficiaries, particularly women, to project goals. In light of this fact, the basic principles of this resource guide are that a) not all suggested activities need to be (or should be) implemented at once; one or two may suffice to start; and b) project staff should harness the available evidence, expertise, and experience to assist them with operationalizing some of the suggestions in each sector.
