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Zero Routine Flaring by 2030 (ZRF) Initiative

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

In this FAQ, we've put together some commonly asked questions to give you more information about gas flaring and the "Zero Routine Flaring by 2030" (ZRF) Initiative.

You can also find more general information about gas flaring on the Global Flaring and Methane Reduction Partnership (GFMR) website, and its gas flaring explained and methane explained sections. 

About Associated Gas

What is associated gas?

Associated gas composition can vary widely at different locations, from almost pure methane with some ethane, to gas that also contains heavier hydrocarbons like propane and butane. In many cases, where the gas produced has high levels of propane and butane, these components are removed and sold as Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) before the gas is flared. The bulk of natural gas produced is " non-associated" gas, i.e., gas produced from gas fields and not related to oil production. ¡°Associated gas" is a by-product of oil extraction and often considered a waste product if there is not an easily accessible gas market. However, associated gas can be used in several productive ways, including to generate electricity. Sometimes the gas can also be conserved by re-injecting it back into the reservoir.

About Gas Flaring

About Emissions from Flaring

About the ZRF Initiative

Contact us

Governments and oil companies interested in making the commitment and endorsing the Initiative or learning more about it, please email us with your name and contact information.

Key Resources


This document groups the various types of gas flaring at oil production facilities in three defined categories: routine flaring, safety flaring, and non-routine flaring.

This document provides guidance on quantifying flare and vent rates at oil and natural gas facilities.

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External Affairs
Adam Pollard