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2017 Trust Fund Annual Report


In 2013, the World Bank Group established the twin goals of ending extreme poverty by 2030 and boosting shared prosperity. Trust funds and financial intermediary funds are important sources of development financing, contributing to the twin goals, responding to changing global priorities, and providing flexible and customized development solutions to help clients.

Main Messages

  • Trust funds and financial intermediary funds (FIFs) are key pillars of the WBG¡¯s development finance, responding to emerging global needs and providing flexible and customized development solutions to help clients.
  • Trust funds are held to the same top fiduciary standards, responsible investment strategy, and robust operational procedures applied to all other WBG activities.
  • Significant results and impacts have been achieved through trust funds over the past five years. They have enabled the WBG to support priority development issues to complement the International Development Association (IDA) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) operations, generate knowledge and analytics, pilot and scale up innovations, and build strong partnerships.
  • FIFs have enabled the World Bank and the world community at large to engage in new and urgent corporate and global priorities, provide the flexibility for customization based on partnership needs, and allow the World Bank to develop innovative financing models. 
  • The 2017 Trust Fund Annual Report summarizes key results, financial trends, and reforms pertaining to WBG trust funds and FIFs. The first section covers WBG trust funds, which consist of IBRD/IDA trust funds, International Finance Corporation (IFC) trust funds, and Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) trust funds. Section two covers FIFs, which are financial arrangements that typically leverage a variety of public and private resources in support of international initiatives.



Trust Fund Achievements FY13¨CFY17

Climate change is a major challenge of our time, placing an increasing number of people and assets at risk, affecting their health and quality of life, and making development less sustainable.

More than two billion people now live in countries where development outcomes are affected by FCV, and by 2030, almost 50 percent of the global poor will live in fragile contexts.

Despite concerted efforts to close gender gaps, women still lag behind men in economic opportunity, human development outcomes, and voice and agency.

Reducing poverty and promoting shared prosperity are predicated on good governance and strong institutions.

Jobs and economic transformation are essential for eradicating extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity. For the poor and vulnerable, who may not own land and have limited capital, jobs provide the surest pathway out of poverty.

While much progress has been made to date, the global development challenges are becoming more urgent in the face of slowing economic growth, increasing fragility and conflict, decreasing trust in government institutions, and impacts of climate change.