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Gender Dimensions of Forced Displacement (GDFD) Research Program


How does forced displacement affect women and men differently? And how should policy and program design and implementation reflect these differences? ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº, with support from the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, has generated important new insights on these questions through a major program of research.

The first Sustainable Development Goal to end poverty in all its forms by 2030 pledges to leave no one behind.

Over 80 million people, one percent of the globe¡¯s population, have been forcibly displaced, the highest level on record (UNHCR 2020a).

  • As the number of people who are forcibly displaced reaches all-time highs, with the vast majority living in developing countries, the displacement challenge has moved to the top of the global development agenda.  This was recognized by the International Development Association (IDA)-- the World Bank¡¯s fund for the poorest. Currently, the IDA19 Window for Host Communities and Refugees and host communities, dedicates $2.2 billion to help low-income countries hosting large numbers of refugees.

    During displacement, families are often separated, assets and livelihoods are lost or disrupted, and language barriers, legal constraints and discrimination may arise.  The nature of these impacts, and barriers and opportunities, may well differ between women and men.  But development policies and programs are often designed without taking these gendered factors and differences into account, and also often fail to monitor how outcomes and impacts vary between men and women, girls and boys.

    A series of papers has been published about the Gender Dimensions of Forced Displacement by researchers from a range of disciplines from inside and outside the World Bank, with strategic guidance from a Senior Advisory Panel.

    The research has examined a range of interrelated drivers and manifestations of gender inequality ¨C including income and multi-dimensional poverty, livelihoods, gender norms and the risks of experiencing intimate partner violence and child marriage.

    presents an overview of the main findings. The research shows that gender-related constraints and barriers are often amplified in situations of forced displacement and consider how policies and programs can help to overcome obstacles and enable new opportunities to be realized. Additionally, our findings were published in of the Joint Data Center on Forced Displacement, highlighting our empirical analysis as a unique contribution to this area of study.

    A major contribution of the research is to demonstrate novel and important insights that can be generated using existing datasets that are available for many countries ¨C like the Demographic and Health Surveys ¨C and new efforts, like the High Frequency Surveys.  This is not to minimize the importance of data constraints, which are large, but it is important to carefully examine what can be done with existing information, as well as call for improvements in the coverage of forcibly displaced people in surveys, and in the coverage of topics where data is needed to understand gender inequality.

    The Gender Group at the World Bank has partnered with researchers at: Harvard Humanitarian Initiative; International Security and Development Center; Georgetown Institute of Women, Peace and Security; the Economic Research Forum; St. Catherine University; USAID; Action Kivu; Wageningen University; University of Minnesota; UNHCR; and the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative.


    This work is part of the program Building the Evidence on Protracted Forced Displacement: A Multi-Stakeholder Partnership'. The program is funded by UK aid from the United Kingdom's Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), and managed by the World Bank Group (WBG). It was established in partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). The scope of the program is to expand the global knowledge on forced displacement by funding quality research and disseminating results for the use of practitioners and policy makers. This work does not necessarily reflect the views of FCDO, the WBG or UNHCR.

    Senior Advisory Panel Members:

    Kristin Kim Bart; Global Development and Humanitarian Consultant

    Elizabeth Dartnall; Executive Director, Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI)

    Rebecca Eapen; Senior Community Based Protection Officer, UNHCR

    Elizabeth Ferris; Research Professor, School of Foreign Service, Institute for the Study of International Migration, Georgetown University

    Patricia Justino; Senior Research Fellow, UNU-WIDER

    Anne C. Richard; James R. Schlesinger Distinguished Professor, Miller Center, University of Virginia (January 2020-June 2021)

    Daphne Jayasinghe; Director of Policy, Europe, International Rescue Committee

    Philip Verwimp; Professor of Development Economics, ECARES, Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Universit¨¦ libre de Bruxelles

    Cindy Huang; Vice President of Strategic Outreach, Refugees International*

    *Until February 2021

    Background Documents

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  • The country studies cover Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Jordan, Mali, Nigeria, Somalia, and Sudan.  There are also several multi-country studies, covering a total of 17 countries examining intimate partner violence, child marriage and multidimensional poverty, which generate interesting comparative insights.

    Policy and Analysis

    Poverty and Inequality

      • Blog:
      • Blog:

    Gender-based Violence

      • Blog:

    Gender Norms

      • Blog:

    Livelihoods and Development

    • Coping with Compounding Challenges in Conflict Crises: Evidence from North-east Nigeria [forthcoming]
  • March 29, 2022: 

    • Speakers: Ragui Assad (Economic Research Forum), Eliana Rubiano-Matulevich (World Bank), Ana Mar¨ªa Iab?ez (Inter American Development Bank), Mar¨ªa Beatriz Orlando (World Bank).

    March 21, 2022: 

    • Diana Jimena Arango (World Bank), Lucia Hanmer (World Bank), Jocelyn Kelly (Harvard Humanitarian Initiative), Eliana Carolina Rubiano Matulevich (World Bank), Andrea Ayala (GIRWL Network), Uche Eseosa Ekhator-Mobayode (World Bank), Gianina Marquez Olivera (Quina Ola), Bernadette Castel (UNHCR).

    March 8, 2022: 

    • Speakers: Yeshwas Admasu (FAO), Sabina Alkire (Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative), Jocelyn Kelly (Harvard Humanitarian Initiative), Paula Gaviria Betancur (UN High Level Panel on Internally Displaced Persons), moderated by Ibrahim Elbadawi (Economic Research Forum).

    February 17, 2022: 

    • Speakers: Nabila Assaf (World Bank), Sabina Alkire (Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative), Carolina S¨¢nchez-P¨¢ramo (World Bank), Paolo Verme (World Bank).

    January 27, 2022: 

    • Speakers: Mari Pangestu (World Bank), David Miliband (International Rescue Committee), Paula Gaviria Betancur (UN High Level Panel on Internally Displaced Persons), Cecilia Jimenez Damary (Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons), Saroj Kumar Jha (World Bank), Gillian Triggs (UNHCR), Mamta Murthi (World Bank); moderated by Hana Brixi (World Bank).

    December 8, 2021: 

    • Speakers: Elizabeth Dartnall (Sexual Violence Research Initiative), Diana Jimena Arango (World Bank), Jocelyn Kelly (Harvard Humanitarian Initiative), Paul Bukuluki (Makerere University).