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プレスリリース 2021年12月15日



ワシントン、2021年12月15日 – 世界銀行は、低所得国におけるコロナ危機への対応と、環境に配慮した強靭で包摂的な未来の実現を支援するため、国際開発協会(IDA)の930億ドルの増資パッケージを発表した。この資金調達は、48カ国の高?中所得国からの総額235億ドルの拠出と、資本市場で調達された資金調達、返済、および世界銀行の拠出の合計である。

「危機の中でIDAの重要性は一層高まっている。このため、日本は、当初からIDA 第20次増資の前倒しの議論を主導し、また、その最終会合を主催することとした。」と、日本の岸田文雄総理大臣は歓迎の辞で述べた。&苍产蝉辫;





  • コロナ危机への重要な支援として、ワクチン、保健専门家の研修、医疗机器のための资金を提供し、70近い国々が恩恵を享受した。

  • 2021年度の滨顿础の気候変动対策资金は、60%以上が気候変动への适応と强靭性强化の支援を重点としている。滨顿础は62カ国において灾害リスク軽减计画を支援した。

  • 滨顿础19で导入された「持続可能な开発金融政策(厂顿贵笔)」により、债务の透明性が向上した。2021年度は19カ国が债务に関する年次报告を适时に公表した。






ワシントン: Patricia da Camara, +1 (202) 290-6845, 
David Theis, +1 (202) 458-8626, dtheis@worldbankgroup.org
東京:開裕香子, (+81-3) 3597-6650, yhiraki@worldbankgroup.org

映像関连: David Young, (202) 250-0395, dyoung7@worldbankgroup.org



$23.5 billion in donor contributions to IDA, World Bank fund for the poor

WASHINGTON, Dec. 15, 2021 – The World Bank today announced a $93 billion replenishment package of the International Development Association (IDA) to help low-income countries respond to the COVID-19 crisis and build a greener, more resilient, and inclusive future. The financing brings together $23.5 billion of contributions from 48 high- and middle-income countries with financing raised in the capital markets, repayments, and the World Bank’s own contributions. 
The financing package, agreed over a two-day meeting hosted virtually by Japan, is the largest ever mobilized in IDA’s 61-year history. IDA’s unique leveraging model enables it to achieve greater value from donor resources – every $1 that donors contribute to IDA is now leveraged into almost $4 of financial support for the poorest countries.  
“Today’s generous commitment by our partners is a critical step toward supporting poor countries in their efforts to recover from the COVID-19 crisis. I am thankful to Japan for hosting this virtual meeting and for its global leadership to help the world’s poorest countries,” said World Bank Group President David Malpass. “We are grateful for the confidence our partners have in IDA as a non-fragmented and efficient platform to tackle development challenges and improve the lives of millions of people around the world.” 

“The IDA’s role has proven to be even more important during the crisis. This is why Japan has led the discussion on advancing the IDA20 replenishment from the outset and decided to host this final meeting. ” said Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida in his welcome message.

“The world continues to face an unprecedented crisis due to COVID-19. We are in danger of losing the achievements towards ending extreme poverty and sharing prosperity,” “IDA, which addresses development issues across the globe, is more important than ever to ensure a green, resilient and inclusive recovery from the pandemic,” said Japan's Minister of Finance Shunichi Suzuki in his speech, kicking off the donor pledging session. “Now is the time for global solidarity.”  

The funds will be delivered to the world’s 74 poorest countries under the 20th replenishment (IDA20) program, which focuses on helping countries recover from the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis. In these countries, the ongoing pandemic is worsening poverty, undermining growth, and jeopardizing the prospects of a resilient and inclusive development. Countries are struggling with falling government revenues; increasing debt vulnerabilities; rising risks to fragility, conflict, and instability; and dropping literacy rates. About a third of IDA countries are facing a looming food crisis.  
To help countries build back greener, a substantial portion of these funds go to tackling climate change, with a focus on helping countries to adapt to rising climate impacts and preserve biodiversity. IDA will also deepen support to countries to better prepare for future crises, including pandemics, financial shocks, and natural hazards. While IDA20 will support countries globally, resources are increasingly benefiting Africa, which will receive about 70 percent of the funding.  
With this strong package, IDA will be able to scale up its support in the pandemic and address health challenges, helping 400 million people receive essential health and nutrition resources. The social safety nets program is also expected to reach as many as 375 million people. 
The IDA20 program has more ambitious policy commitments that will support countries in prioritizing investments in human capital, covering issues such as education, health and nutrition, vaccines, safety nets, and support for people with disabilities. IDA will also increase its ambition in addressing other major development challenges such as gender inequality, job creation, and situations of fragility, conflict and violence, including in the Sahel, the Lake Chad region, and the Horn of Africa. A continued emphasis on governance and institutions, debt sustainability, and digital infrastructure interventions will help foster economic and social inclusion. 
Due to the urgent development needs of IDA countries, the replenishment was advanced by one year. IDA20 will cover the period of July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2025. The IDA20 policy architecture builds on the strong foundation of IDA19, with enhancements to make IDA20 even more ambitious and fit for today’s challenges.   
IDA19 achievements key to IDA20 include:

  • Strong COVID-19 response with nearly 70 countries benefiting from IDA financing for vaccines, health professionals’ training, and hospital equipment.

  • Over 60 percent of climate financing, in fiscal year 2021 alone, focused on adaptation and resilience; IDA helped 62 countries institutionalize disaster risk reduction plans.

  • Greater debt transparency through the Sustainable Development Finance Policy introduced in IDA19, with 19 countries publishing annual and timely debt reports in fiscal year 2021.

About IDA

木瓜影院’s International Development Association (IDA), established in 1960, helps the world’s poorest countries by providing grants and low to zero-interest loans for projects and programs that boost economic growth, reduce poverty, and improve poor people’s lives. IDA is one of the largest sources of assistance for the world’s 74 poorest countries, 39 of which are in Africa. The rest are in other regions: 14 in East Asia; 6 in South Asia; 4 in Europe and Central Asia; 8 in Latin America and Caribbean; and 3 in Middle East and North Africa. Resources from IDA bring positive change to the 1.3 billion people who live in IDA countries. Since 1960, IDA has provided?$458 billion?to 114 countries. Annual commitments have averaged about?$29 billion over the last three years (FY19-FY21), with about 70 percent going to Africa. Learn more online: IDA.worldbank.org and #IDAworks 
World Bank Group Response to COVID-19 
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Bank Group has deployed over $157 billion to fight the health, economic, and social impacts of the pandemic, the fastest and largest crisis response in its history. The financing is helping more than 100 countries strengthen pandemic preparedness, protect the poor and jobs, and jump start a climate-friendly recovery. The Bank is also supporting over 50 low- and middle-income countries, more than half of which are in Africa, with the purchase and deployment of COVID-19 vaccines, and is making available $20 billion in financing for this purpose until the end of 2022.


In Washington: Patricia da Camara, +1 (202) 290-6845, pdacamara@worldbankgroup.org 
David Theis, +1 (202) 458-8626, dtheis@worldbankgroup.org

For Broadcast Requests: David Young, (202) 250-0395, dyoung7@worldbankgroup.org



