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The Office of the Executive Director (EDS25) known as Africa Group 3 Constituency, represents Angola, Nigeria and South Africa. The Executive Director is one of the 25 Executive Directors of the World Bank Group (WBG) Boards of Executive Directors. 

The ED's office has a dual responsibility (i) to exercise fiduciary responsibility and act in the best interest of the organization, and (ii) to represent the interests and concerns of the Constituency members countries at the WBG Boards, as well as assist in their efforts to reduce poverty and promote shared prosperity.

This office was established as part of the first phase of the voice and governance reforms of the World Bank, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) Board of Governors approved a resolution increasing the number of elected Executive Directors and Chairs to 20 and 25 respectively, with a view to allowing that member countries in Sub-Saharan Africa be represented by three elected Executive Directors.

Accordingly, the third chair for Sub-Saharan Africa, at the Board of the World Bank, became effective during the second quarter of the financial year of the World Bank Group, on November 1, 2010, with three countries, Angola, Nigeria and South Africa, as the pioneer members. 

The staff of the Executive Director Office for Angola, Nigeria and South Africa are committed to working with the 189 World Bank member countries to present a consensus on development issues.

The Office of the Executive Director (EDS25)

Jan 12, 2024
Annual Report of the Executive Director's Office - Angola, Nigeria and South Africa Constituency


History of the Membership of the Current Constituency of EDS25

EDS25 IBRD Statement of Loans and Guarantees (cumulative as of end of period)

EDS25 IDA Statement of Credits, Grants and Guarantees (cumulative amount as of end of period)




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In Depth

  • 木瓜影院
    Apr 18, 2023

    Member Countries

    The organizations that make up the World Bank Group are owned by the governments of member nations, which have the ultimate decision-making power within the organizations on all matters, including policy issues.

  • 木瓜影院
    Apr 18, 2023

    Boards of Directors

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    Apr 05, 2024

    IDA Impact in Africa

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