
Climate Smart Engagement

India’s response to climate change has major internal and external repercussions. Climate change impacts have the potential to push 45 million people back into poverty in India. At the same time, the world cannot possibly remain below the 2-degree threshold for increased global warming if India does not follow a low-carbon growth path.

India has become a world leader in promoting policies and practices to address climate change. The World Bank Group supports the nation’s mitigation and adaptation efforts throughout the portfolio through climate-focused operations and leveraging private-sector financing and know-how to tackle climate change-related challenges. The World Bank Group is also tracking climate co-benefits in its portfolio, i.e. the proportion of its financing commitments that address climate change challenges.   

In FY18,

60 percent

of IBRD commitments in India had climate co-benefits.



  • The development objective of Maharashtra Project on Climate Resilient Agriculture Project for India is to enhance climate-resilience and profitability of smallholder farming systems in selected districts of Maharashtra. This project has four components. 1) The first component, Promoting Climate-resilient Agricultural Systems, aims to strengthen the adaptive capacity of smallholder farmers to adjust and modify their production systems to moderate potential future impacts from climate events. 2) The second component, Post-harvest Management and Value Chain Promotion, aims to support the participation of smallholder farmers in Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) and integration of these FPOs in value chains for crops relevant to the climate agenda, and to strengthen the supply chain for climate-resilient crop varieties in the project area. 3) The third component, Institutional Development, Knowledge and Policies for a Climate resilient Agriculture, aims to enhance the transformative capacity of institutions and stakeholders to promote and pursue a more climate resilient agriculture, with sector strategies and policies based on strong analytical underpinnings and cutting-edge climate, water and crop modelling. 4) The fourth component, Project Management, covers the activities of the Project Management Unit (PMU) set up by the GoM during the project preparation phase.

  • The development objective of the Jharkhand Power System Improvement Project for India are to increase the transmission capacity of electricity network in the state of Jharkhand and strengthen the institutional capacity of state-owned power transmission and distribution utilities. It has three components. First component, Intra-state transmission system strengthening will support the state transmission utility, Jharkhand Urja Sancharan Nigam Limited (JUSNL), in making priority investments in the following two areas: a) Construction of new substations and associated transmission lines, and b) Strengthening scheduling, dispatch and communication systems; Second component, Technical assistance for institutional development and capacity building of JUSNL will continue to build upon the institutional development activities undertaken during project preparation and support implementation of following key activities: a) Improving the organization structure and Delegation of Financial Powers (DoFP), b) Strengthening the project planning, procurement and contract management practices, c) Strengthening FM framework, d) Automating internal business functions like inventory management, payroll management, human resource management etc., e) Appointing Project Management Consultants (PMC) to assist in supervising and monitoring sub-projects under Component 1 of the project; f) Building staff capacity through training, workshops, knowledge exchange visits etc.; Third component, Improving operational efficiency and developing institutional capacity of Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited (JBVNL) build upon the institutional development activities undertaken during project preparation and support implementation of JBVNL’s action plan to reduce Aggregate Technical and Commercial (AT&C) losses, improve revenue management systems and reduce power procurement costs through following activ

  • The development objective of Energy Efficiency Scale-up Program Project for India are to scale up energy savings in residential and public sectors, strengthen Energy Efficiency Services Limited's (EESL) institutional capacity, and enhance its access to commercial financing. The Program consists of the following activities for FY 2018-2022, in EESL’s overall corporate investments program: Results Area 1) Energy Savings and Energy Efficiency (EE) Market Transformation in the Residential Sector, aims to Scaling-up EE delivery in the residential sector under the Unnat Jyoti by Affordable Light Emitting Diode (LEDs) for All (UJALA) Program, focusing on LED bulbs, tube lights and ceiling fans; Results Area 2) Energy Savings and EE Market Transformation in Public Street Lighting, aims at delivering investments in EE public street lighting, under the SLNP Program; Results Area 3) Development of Sustainable Business Models in new EE Market Segments, aims at supporting up-stream program development and incorporation of technical, environmental and social sustainability elements into the design of the new initiatives, such as air-conditioning, agriculture demand side management and Buildings EE Program, which require additional preparatory work before sustainable scale-up; but expressly excluding the actual capital investments for such new initiatives; and Results Area 4) Institutional Strengthening for Sustainable EE Scale-Up, aims at strengthening and developing the institutional capacity of the Borrower, especially with respect to financial, technical, managerial, procurement, environmental and social capacity and practices.

  • The objectives of the National Ganga River Basin Project for India are to support the National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) in: (a) building capacity of its nascent operational-level institutions, so that they can manage the long-term Ganga clean-up and conservation program; and (b) implementing a diverse set of demonstrative investments for reducing point-source pollution loads in a sustainable manner, at priority locations on the Ganga. There are two components to the project, the first component being institutional development. The objectives of this component are to build functional capacity of the NGRBA's operational institutions at both the central and state levels, and to provide support to associated institutions for implementing the NGRBA program. Its sub-components include: (i) NGRBA operationalization and program management, (ii) technical assistance for Urban Local Body (ULB) service providers, and (iii) technical assistance for environmental regulators. The second component is the priority infrastructure investments. The objective of this component is to finance demonstrative infrastructure investments to reduce pollution loads in priority locations on the river. The four main sectors of investments are: municipal wastewater management, industrial pollution control, solid waste management and river front management. The investments are intended to exemplify, among other attributes, the high standards of technical preparation and implementation, sustainability of operations, and public participation envisaged in the NGRBA framework. This component will also support innovative pilots, for new and transformative technologies or implementation arrangements.

  • The objective of the National Highways Interconnectivity Improvement Project for India is improve the National Highway network connectivity to less developed areas and low-income states and enhance the institutional capacity of Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation to better manage the highway network under the purview of the Ministry. The project has three components: (i) road improvement and maintenance; (ii) institutional development; and (iii) road safety.

  • The objective of the Second Phase of the Uttar Pradesh Water Sector Restructuring Project for India is to: (a) strengthen the institutional and policy framework for integrated water resources management for the entire state; and (b) increase agricultural productivity and water productivity by supporting farmers in targeted irrigation areas. There are six components to the project, the first component being strengthening of state-level water institutions and inter-sector coordination. This component aims to provide support to the institutions in the state responsible for overall integrated water resources management and implementation of the state water policy. The second component is the modernization and rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage systems. The third component is the consolidation and enhancement of irrigation institutional reforms. This component will enhance the efficiency of the Uttar Pradesh Irrigation Department (UPID) and strengthen the Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) approach both in the department as well as in the community. The fourth component is the enhancing agriculture productivity and on-farm water management. This component (to be implemented directly by the Department of Agriculture) aims to improve the overall agriculture productivity and water-use efficiency at the field level. The fifth component is the feasibility studies and preparation activities for the next phase. This component is to prepare detailed surveys and designs for future third phase areas. These new areas will be identified by the Government of Uttar Pradesh and will make use of similar design principles (and the lessons learned) adopted under this second phase operation. Finally, the sixth component is the project coordination and monitoring.

  • The development objective of the Rajasthan Agricultural Competitiveness Project for India is to establish the feasibility of sustainably increasing agricultural productivity and farmer incomes through a distinct agricultural development approach by integrating agriculture water management and agricultural technology, farmer organizations and market innovations in selected locations across the ten agro ecological zones of Rajasthan. There are four components to the project. The first component is climate resilient agriculture. This component will support climate-resilient approaches that allows for the sustainable use of the natural resource base through agricultural and livestock production systems aiming to increase long term productivity and farm incomes in an environment marked by increased climate and, in particular, rainfall variability. Agrarian households in rural Rajasthan face tremendous challenges even with the existing levels of climate variability, let alone those that may come with future changes in climate. This is often referred to as an adaptation deficit. Thus the package of options in this component is based on a strategy that is robust under any future climate scenario and focuses on ways of overcoming this existing adaptation deficit as a necessary step towards longer term climate resilience. The second component is markets and value chains. The objective of this component is to enable farmers to engage in profitable market oriented production, that is sustainable, and to promote partnerships and market linkages with other value chain participants and agribusinesses. The component will help producer groups, agro enterprises, and commodity associations, to actively engage in the development of commodity value chains by partially financing demand-driven investment proposals to producer organization through a matching grant. The third component is far

  • The objective of the PMGSY Rural Road Project is to strengthen the systems and processes of the national PMGSY rural roads program for the expansion and maintenance of all-season rural access roads. The result will enhance the road connectivity to economic opportunities and social services for beneficiary communities in the participating states. MORD has requested the Bank to increase lending by US$500 million to the Original Project and provide the continuing Bank support which can help tackle the development challenges identified. Of the US$500 million, USD150 million would be used to meet the funding gap in the original project. The remainder US$350 million will be used to introduce green and climate resilient construction in PMGSY while widening the developmental scope to tackle institutional, road safety, low carbon and climate resilience, gender and other issues described above. The Bank Team has also resolved to work with Indian counterparts to disseminate the PMSGY program internationally as an adaptable model for rural road programs in other countries16. It will demonstrate how climate change agenda should be integrated in the rural roads strategy, planning and actions.

  • The development objective of the Bihar Kosi Basin Development Project for India is to enhance resilience to floods and increase agricultural production and productivity in the targeted districts in the Kosi river basin, and to enhance Bihar’s capacity to respond promptly and effectively to an eligible crisis or emergency. The project comprises of five components. The first component, improving flood risk management objective is to increase the capacity of the water resources department (WRD) to manage flood risk and to decrease vulnerability to floods in the Kosi river basin. It consists of following two sub-components: (i) reinforcement of flood control infrastructure; and (ii) support to strengthen institutional capacity to manage flood risk. The second component, enhancing agricultural productivity and competitiveness will work with organized farmers to increase agricultural production (which includes crops, horticulture, livestock, and fisheries) and productivity by expanding their access to and adoption of innovative and climate-resilient farm technologies and practices (including irrigation) and extending their linkages to market infrastructure. It consists of following three sub-components: (i) intensification and diversification of agricultural production systems; (ii) strengthening of agricultural value chains; and (iii) institutional development for market-led extension. The third component, augmenting connectivity objective is to improve farmers’ access to markets through the expansion of the local road network that connects rural roads to the main road network that improves connectivity of habitations to the market centers. It consists of following three sub-components: (i) construction of roads; (ii) institutional strengthening activities at rural works department; and (iii) construction of bridges. The fourth component, contingent emergency response will

  • The development objective of the Second Kerala State Transport Project for India is to improve condition, traffic flow and road safety with a focus on vulnerable road users on selected roads in Kerala. The project has three components. The first component is road network upgrading and safety improvement. This component will include upgrading 363 km of strategically important state highways to complete network connectivity in the state with the objective of reducing travel time between key socio-economic centers. This component has following two sub-components: (A1) this sub-component will include the associated pre-construction activities including resettlement and utility relocation, environmental management and supervision and quality control services; and (A2) this sub-component will include upgrading 82 km state highway through a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) modified annuity concession to pilot the approach in the state. The second component is road safety management. This component will support the strengthening of road safety management systems in Kerala with the objective of reducing the number of fatalities and serious injuries from traffic crashes in the state. The third component is institutional strengthening. The objective of this component is to improve the sustainability of Kerala?s state road network with respect to its functional adequacy, financial viability and capacity of key state road sector institutions to deliver road infrastructure and services that are responsive to road user needs. The following two sub-components will be financed: (a) road sector modernization; and (b) community engagement and road user satisfaction.

  • The objective of the Partial Risk Sharing Facility for Energy Efficiency (PRSF) Project is to assist India in achieving energy savings with mobilization of commercial finance and participation of energy service companies. This project consists of two components. The first component supports establishing and operating the Facility to provide Sub-Guarantees to Sub-Financiers and developing energy efficiency markets through end-to-end solutions and measurement and verification (M&V) activities. The partial risk sharing facility for energy efficiency is managed by Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI), funded from a Global Environment Facility (GEF) contribution and backstopped by a Clean Technology Fund (CTF) Guarantee, in the form of contingent finance. Component two supports technical assistance, capacity building, and operations support comprising, among other things, the following activities: i. Carrying out market development, Project management, awareness building, and outreach to beneficiaries and stakeholders. ii. Undertaking legal due diligence and dispute resolution involving Sub-Projects. iii. Developing and maintaining the Facility?s website and online presence; a management information system; and other reporting systems. iv. Developing standard appraisal and transaction documents, reporting templates, energy efficient guidelines, strengthening Project report generation, capacity building and training, and online support. v. Providing technical assistance and capacity building for Participating Financial Institutions, Energy Service Companies, and Beneficiaries. The above two components are designed to strengthen the market-driven energy efficiency ecosystem conditions necessary for addressing EE market barriers and development objectives identified in Section II. Both SIDBI and Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) are leading institutions

  • The development objective of the Ecosystem Services Improvement Project for India is to improve forest quality, land management and non-timber forest produce (NTFP) benefits for forest dependent communities in selected landscapes in Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. The proposed Global Environment Facility (GEF) project will be implemented in close coordination with Green India Mission (GIM) on three components: (1) capacity building (training and technical assistance); (2) enhancement of forest carbon stocks through forest quality improvement approaches and improved livelihoods for forest dependent communities (interventions); and (3) reversal of land degradation on private land holdings and common property resource lands through development of models and capacity for scaling up of sustainable land management practices (interventions). Forest and private land holdings and Common Property Resources (CPR) lands for project support and intervention will be identified within a defined landscape planning approach to facilitate ecological connectivity between ecologically important habitats and biologically richareas. A fourth component will provide project management coordination. 1) The objective of the first component is to enhance the capacity and skills of the State Forest Departments, the Forest Development Agencies, and local communities for improving management of forest and land resources and ensuring the delivery of sustainable benefits to local communities that depend on these resources. 2) The objective of the second component is to improve the quality and productivity of the existing forests so as to ensure sustained flows of ecosystem services and carbon sequestration, and to ensure the sustainable harvesting and value addition of NTFP to provide economic benefits to forest dependent communities that promote conservation and improve ecological connectivity be

  • The objective of the Tamil Nadu and Puducherry Coastal Disaster Risk Reduction Project for India is increasing the resilience of coastal communities in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, to a range of hydrometeorological and geophysical hazards along with improving project implementation entities? capacity to respond promptly and effectively to an eligible crisis or emergency. The project has five components. The first component is vulnerability reduction. The objective of this component is to reduce the vulnerability of coastal communities through infrastructure such as permanent houses, evacuation shelters and routes, and resilient electrical networks. It has following three sub-components: (i) resilient housing; (ii) evacuation shelters, routes and early warning systems; and (iii) cyclone resilient electrical network. The second component is sustainable fisheries. The objective of this component is to address gaps in the context of a long term vision for the fisheries sector. The component aims at upgrading infrastructure, developing an approach for co-management of fisheries and addressing safety at sea. This component has following two sub-components: (a) fishing infrastructure; and (b) Second Fisheries Management for Sustainable Livelihood (FIMSUL II). The third component is capacity building in disaster risk management. This component will focus on strengthening the capacity of government institutions, civil society, the school education system and coastal communities through following four sub-components: (i) strengthening of state disaster management authority; (ii) Community Based Disaster Risk Management Program (CBDRM); (iii) curriculum development on disaster risk reduction for schools and training institutions; and (iv) completing preparation of the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) plan for Tamil Nadu, completing erection of High Tide Line (HTL) pillars

  • The development objective of the Second Phase of the National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project for India is to reduce vulnerability to cyclone and other hydro-meteorological hazards of coastal communities in project states, and increase the capacity of the state entities to effectively plan for and respond to disasters. The project comprises of four components. The first component, early warning dissemination systems (EWDS) will reduce the vulnerability of coastal areas by addressing the existing gap in dissemination of warning to the communities. The second component, cyclone risk mitigation infrastructure aim to increase the preparedness and reduce the vulnerability of coastal communities through strategic infrastructure investments, that is, improving their capacity and access to emergency shelter, evacuation routes, and protecting critical infrastructure against cyclones and hydro meteorological hazards to reduce potential damages and ensure continuation of services. It consists of following six sub-components: (i) cyclone risk mitigation infrastructure in Goa; (ii) cyclone risk mitigation infrastructure in Gujarat; (iii) cyclone risk mitigation infrastructure in Karnataka; (iv) cyclone risk mitigation infrastructure in Kerala; (v) cyclone risk mitigation infrastructure in Maharashtra; and (vi) cyclone risk mitigation infrastructure in West Bengal. The third component, technical assistance for multi-hazard risk management aims to improve the quality of available information on multi hazard risks for decision making, and strengthen multi-hazard risk management at a national level. It consists of following five sub-components: (i) multi-hazard risk modeling and assessment; (ii) strengthening emergency recovery capacity; (iii) enhancing the capacity for disaster risk management and response in non-coastal states; (iv) hydro-meteorological resilience action plans; and

  • The development objective of the First Capacity Augmentation of the National Waterway Project for India is to enhance transport efficiency and reliability of national waterway 1 (NW-1) and augment institutional capacity for the development and management of India's inland waterway transport system in an environmentally sustainable manner. The project comprises of two components. The first component, improving the navigability of NW-1 (Haldia to Varanasi) includes six sub-components: (i) retroactive financing for detailed topographic and bathymetric surveys, preparation of technical feasibility and detailed engineering studies, preparation of environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) studies, and other supporting technical assistance and studies for project preparation, most of which have been completed; (ii) improvement of river fairway through dredging and river conservancy works; (iii) construction of permanent protection works for erosion- prone banks in selected locations, totaling up to 40 km; (iv) rehabilitation of the existing Farakka ship lock and construction of a new parallel lock to allow concurrent two-way working; (v) construction of: (i) six multimodal and inter-modal freight terminals with future provision to allow evolution as market clusters, (ii) two vessel repair and maintenance facilities, and (iii) five pairs of Ro-Ro crossings; and (vi) sixth sub-component includes: (i) navigational aids in the form of night navigation facilities and channel marking; (ii) enhancement of the existing river information service (RIS) through addition of app-based systems, an improved communication platform, and expanded user reach; (iii) support for the development of a terminal management system (TMS); and (iv) provision of other support services, for example, search and rescue, distress response and casualty incident management, and upgrading vessel and ri

  • The development objective of the Odisha Disaster Recovery Project for India is to restore and improve housing and public services in targeted communities of Odisha, and increase the capacity of the state entities to respond promptly and effectively to an eligible crisis or emergency. The project has five components. The first component is resilient housing reconstruction and community infrastructure. It has following two sub-components: (i) housing reconstruction for the reconstruction of about 30,000 houses in the designated rural areas in the coastal belt 5 km from the high tide line (HTL) in the districts of Ganjam and Puri, and 5km from the Chilika lake boundary as defined by the survey of India in the district of Khordha; and (ii) selected community infrastructure for public infrastructure improvements to complement the housing reconstruction. The second component, urban infrastructure in Berhampur will finance investments to improve public services in Berhampur while at the same time reduce the vulnerability of its population. Improved public infrastructure will reduce vulnerability through improved drainage to reduce floods, and increasing the resilience of public service infrastructure. It has following four sub-components: (i) upgrading of slums; (ii) public service infrastructure; (iii) community participation; and (iv) technical assistance. The third component, capacity building in disaster risk management objective is to support Odisha State Disaster Management Authority (OSDMA) in strengthening their overall capacity towards better risk mitigation, preparedness, and disaster response, in line with global best practices. The fourth component, implementation support will finance the incremental operating costs of the project management units (PMUs) in OSDMA and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (H and UD), and the project implementation unit (

  • The objective of Additional Financing for the National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project for India is to reduce the vulnerability of coastal communities in Andhra Pradesh and Orissa to cyclone and other hydro meteorological hazards. The additional financing will be used to scale up risk mitigation project activities and their impact and development effectiveness in the context of the October 2013 cyclone that hit the states of Odisha and Andhra Pradesh. These aims will be targeted through expanded activities under component B (cyclone risk mitigation infrastructure) and the related incremental management and coordination support under component D (project management and implementation support). The additional financing will be processed with the following: (i) adjustment of the indicators to reflect the proposed scale up and additional activities, and (ii) closing date of October 31, 2017. As a result of cyclone Phailin, the Government of India is seeking support to further finance disaster preparedness, ever more conscious of the need for cyclone risk mitigation infrastructure in the vulnerable coastal states of Odisha and Andhra Pradesh.

  • The development objective of the Himachal Pradesh Horticulture Development Project for India is to support small farmers and agro-entrepreneurs in Himachal Pradesh, to increase the productivity, quality, and market access of selected horticulture commodities. This project has four components. 1) The first component, Horticulture Production and Diversification, aims to enhance horticultural competitiveness at the farm level by supporting access to knowledge, technology and finance in order to increase long term productivity and farm incomes in an environment marked by changing market patterns and increased climate variability.2) The second component, Value Addition and Agro-enterprise Development, aims to improve value realization at the farm level, promote investments in agribusiness, fostering backward and forward linkages in the value chains for horticulture products, support supply chain infrastructure that prevents wastage and value erosion; and enable secondary and tertiary processing that create higher value for the produce. 3) The third component, Market Development, aims to provide an improved platform for market-related information and intelligence, expand market access through alternative marketing channels, enhance transparency in the price discovery process, and improve market infrastructure. 4) The fourth component, Project Management, Monitoring and Learning, will ensure the effective implementation of the project activities and monitor and evaluate project implementation progress, outputs and outcomes, building on implementation experience.

  • The development objective of the National Hydrology Project for India is to improve the extent, quality, and accessibility of water resources information and to strengthen the capacity of targeted water resources management institutions in India. The project comprises of four components. The first component, water resources monitoring systems will finance the establishment and modernization of new and existing hydromet monitoring systems including meteorology, streamflow, groundwater, and water storage measurements, and construction of hydro-informatics centers that capture both water resources and uses. It consists of three sub-components: (i) hydromet observation networks; (ii) supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems for water infrastructure; and (iii) establishment of hydro-informatics centers. The second component, water resources information systems will support the strengthening of national and subnational water information centers with web-enabled water resources information systems (WRISs) through standardization of databases and products from various data sources and departments and make comprehensive, timely, and integrated water resources information available to decision makers for effective planning, decision making, and operations. It consists of two sub-components: (i) national WRIS; and (ii) regional and sub national WRIS. The third component, water resources operations and planning systems will support the development of interactive analytical tools and decision support platform that will integrate database, models, and scenario management for hydrological flood forecasting, integrated reservoir operations, and water resources accounting for improved operation, planning, and management of both surface water and groundwater. It consists of three sub-components: (i) development of analytical tools and decision-support platforms; (ii) pu

  • The development objective of the Shared Infrastructure for Solar Parks Project for India is to increase solar generation capacity through the establishment of large-scale solar parks in the country. The project has two components. First component, shared infrastructure for solar parks will cover financing for shared infrastructure, such as, access roads, water supply anddrainage, telecommunications, pooling station inside the solar parks and transmission lines connecting these internal pooling stations to the external substation that may or may not be at the periphery of the park, feeding into the national or state grid. The scope of investments covered will depend on the modality and approach adopted by the respective selected state for developing the solar parks. While some states intend to provide a full range of infrastructure services to the selected private-sector developers, others intend to provide only pooling stations to facilitate internal evacuation. In most solar parks, project developers or generators will be responsible for the interconnection of each plot in the solar park with pooling stations, using suitable voltage for underground or overhead cable. Second component, technical assistance will provide capacity -building support to Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Limited (IREDA), the SNAs in the states where selected solar parks are located, and the selected state PIAs, which will include the State Nodal Agency (SNA) and/or Joint Venture (JV) companies or state agencies across the participating states. Specifically for the state PIAs, although their role and mandate is growing rapidly to meet the Government of India’s ambitious renewable-energy targets, they have limited capacity and experience to deliver on these mandates.

  • The development objectives of the Andhra Pradesh Disaster Recovery Project for India are to restore, improve, and enhance resilience of public services, environmental facilities, and livelihoods in targeted communities, and to enhance the capacity of state entities to respond promptly and effectively to an eligible crisis or emergency. The project comprises of seven components. The first component, resilient electrical network objective is to reduce the vulnerability of the city’s electrical network by laying the power distribution system underground. The second component, restoration of connectivity and shelter infrastructure will finance investments to permanently restore, upgrade, and increase resilience towards future disasters of roads and cyclone shelters. It consists of following two sub-components: (i) restoration of rural roads and cyclone shelters; and (ii) restoration of major district roads. The third component, restoration and protection of the beach front will support priority investments along the beachfront of the city of Visakhapatnam. It consists of following two sub-components: (i) shore protection works; and (ii) beach front restoration. The fourth component, restoration of environmental services and facilities and livelihood support will finance the reconstruction of the severely damaged Indira Gandhi zoological park (IGZP) at Visakhapatnam and eco-tourism Park at Kambalakonda wildlife sanctuary. It consists of following two sub-components: (i) restoration of environmental services and facilities; and (ii) livelihoods support. The fifth component, capacity building and technical support for disaster risk management will support investments to enhance the capabilities of Government of Andhra Pradesh (GoAP) entities and other stake holders in managing disaster risks, enhancing preparedness, and achieving resilient recovery. It consists of following

  • The Jhelum and Tawi Flood Recovery Project for India will support the recovery and increase disaster resilience in Project Areas, and increase the capacity of the Project Implementing Entity to respond promptly and effectively to an eligible crisis or emergency. The flood affected region, consists of 22 districts, affecting 12.5 million people. The project involves seven components, including: 1) Reconstruction and strengthening of critical infrastructure; 2) Reconstruction of roads and bridges; 3) Restoration of urban flood management infrastructure; 4) Restoration and strengthening of livelihoods; 5) Strengthening disaster risk management capacity; 6) Contingent Emergency Response; and 7) Implementation Support. The project incorporates lessons learned from ongoing post-disaster recovery projects financed by the Bank in Uttarakhand, Odisha, Bihar, and Andhra Pradesh, as well as worldwide. Some of the lessons incorporated are: technical codes and standards utilized should be resilient to natural hazards; the Disaster Management Act of 2005 paved the way for the creation of the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) at the national level, and the State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA), the latter with a clear mandate for spearheading disaster management efforts in the states; globally, there is evidence that some flood response programs have focused too heavily on rebuilding infrastructure and not enough on better adaptation and preparedness for the future in complementary investments, such as water and flood management, rural finance, early warning communication systems, etc; DRM institutions are frequently overstretched between regular operations and emergencies; and the project also incorporates lessons from the Bogota Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project, which included retrofitting of hospitals.

  • The development objective of the Grid-Connected Rooftop Solar Program Project for India is to increase installed capacity of grid-connected rooftop solar photovoltaic (GRPV) and to strengthen the capacity of relevant institutions for GRPV. The program environmental objective (PEO) is to achieve reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through the displacement of thermal energy with solar energy. The operation supports the government’s rooftop solar PV program. By increasing the availability of debt financing and improving the capacity of institutions, it will expand uptake of GRPV in the country. The program addresses the barriers to accelerated GRPV installation. It also allows the consumer to internalize the positive environmental externalities of solar power and thus encourages GRPV installation. Climate finance has been used in this operation to buy down the interest rate of rooftop PV loans to early movers in the market. The clean technology fund (CTF) committee has approved United States (U.S.) 125 million dollars to co-finance this GRPV program.

  • The development objective of Andhra Pradesh 24X7 Power for All Project for India is to increase the delivery of electricity to customers and to improve the operational efficiency and system reliability in distribution of electricity in selected areas in Andhra Pradesh. This project has four components. 1) The first component, Power Transmission System Strengthening, aims to make priority investments in 220 kilovolt (kV), 132 kV, 66 kV, and 33 kV transmission and sub-transmission lines and associated substations, to strengthen and augment the power system. 2) The second component, Smart Grid Development in Urban Areas, aims to identify and develop a number of selected cities across India as Smart cities. 3) The third component, Distribution System Strengthening in Rural Areas, aims to support strengthening and augmentation of the distribution network (33kV and below) and construction of the High Voltage Distribution System (HVDS) in rural areas. 4) The fourth component, Technical Assistance for Institutional Development and Capacity Building, aims to improve the project management capabilities and commercial performance of the Andhra Pradesh distribution utilities by: (i) improving Information and communications technologies (ICT) systems; (ii) improving the business processes; (iii) supporting supervision of contracts through Project Management Consultants; and (iv) building staff capacity through training, workshops, and study tours.

  • The development objective of the Bihar Rural Roads Project for India is to improve rural road connectivity in project districts and enhance management of rural roads in Bihar. The project comprises of two components. The first component, rural roads improvement will support: (a) civil works for rural roads; (b) design, implementation, and management support; and (c) pilots on innovative bridge construction and retrofitting road safety and climate resilient measures. The second component, asset management and institutional effectiveness will support implementation of road sector modernization plan (RSMP) to build on and carry forward the ongoing initiatives in the following areas: (a) asset management; (b) institutional effectiveness; and (c) road safety management.

  • The objective of the Assam Agribusiness and Rural Transformation Project for India is to ‘add value and improve resilience of selected agriculture value chains, focusing on smallholder farmers and agro-entrepreneurs in targeted districts of Assam’. There are four components to the project, the first component being enabling agri-enterprise development. The objective of this component is to enable investments in agri-enterprises, improve investment environment and promote investment, reduce business and transaction costs, facilitate access to finance for agribusiness MSMEs, and, where appropriate, facilitate process and regulatory changes. The second component is the facilitating agro cluster development. The objective of this component is to enhance competitiveness of agri-enterprises in specific geographic clusters, and upgrade infrastructure for agricultural trade, in these clusters to enable producers and other value chain participants to access new markets. This will be achieved by: mobilizing proximate agri-enterprises, in identified geographic clusters, into Industry Associations (IAs), and building their capacity to undertake joint actions; supporting development of and financing for Agro Industrial Development Plans (AIDPs) laying out joint actions that can be undertaken by IAs to enhance competitiveness; providing a range of Business Development Services to scale up agri-enterprises in the selected clusters; and upgrading and modernizing warehouses, agricultural wholesale markets and rural periodic markets in the cluster, including link roads. The third component is the fostering market-led production and resilience enhancement. The objective of this component is to enable producers of the priority value chains, in the targeted clusters, to take advantage of the rapidly changing market demand, and enhance resilience of agriculture production systems for incre

  • The development objective of the Madhya Pradesh Rural Connectivity Project for India is to improve durability and enhance resilience to climate changes of the gravel surfaced rural roads in Madhya Pradesh while building the capacity of the state to manage its rural road network and road safety. This project has four components. First component, road upgrading, construction, and maintenance. This component divides into two sub-component, (i) surface sealing of gravel roads, sealing the surface of eligible existing gravel surfaced roads developed under Chief Minister’s Gram Sadak Yojana (CMGSY) using conventional Bituminous (BT) and other alternative options, piloting post construction maintenance through women self-help groups (SHG) in selected districts, providing SHGs with road maintenance training and hand tools; and (ii) provision of alternative connectivity, providing additional links to eligible villages which are already connected by a single road link but critically require additional connectivity to respond to the growing demand to link to more social, economic and administrative centers; Second component, institutional development. This component divides into two sub-component,(i) rural road asset management system, defining the system requirements and terms of reference (overall system architecture, data collection and analytical modules) and then procuring a road asset management system or such element required to upgrade the existing system, as needed to encompass the establishment of a complete inventory of the road network with all its elements, the current condition and performance of the road network, an estimate of the value of the asset, a forecast of future demand of traffic and service needs, an estimate of the maintenance needs and cost, a prioritization of the quality and performance objectives, funding scenarios for the regular and timely main

  • The development objective of Tamil Nadu Rural Transformation Project for India is to promote rural enterprises, access to finance, and employment opportunities in selected blocks of Tamil Nadu. This project has four components. 1) The first component, Rural Enterprise Ecosystem Development, seeks to create an enabling environment for promoting and strengthening enterprises and jobs in the target areas through identifying market and value-chain strengthening opportunities, supporting the development of favorable business conditions, and informing pathways to effective and efficient business enterprise development. It has the following three subcomponents: (i) Inclusive Strategic Investment Analytics and Planning; (ii) Enterprise Development Support Services; and (iiii) Enterprise Promotion, Value Chain Strengthening and Partnerships. 2) The second component, Enterprise Business Plans Financing, aims to promote economic activities of PCs and enterprises linked to value-chain opportunities. It has the following two subcomponents: (i) Facilitating Business Plan Financing; and (ii) Innovation Promotion. 3) The third component, Skills and Job Opportunities, aims to (a) sustainable wage and self-employment opportunities; (b) promote relevant skills for higher value agriculture and allied activities; and nonfarm activities; and (c) enable entrepreneurship through market responsive skills and entrepreneurship development. It has the following three subcomponents: (i) Pre and Post Training Services to Enhance Employment Outcomes; (ii) Community Based Training and Skilling Provision; and (iii) Entrepreneurship Development. 4) The fourth component, Project Management, Results Monitoring, and Implementation Support Systems, aims to provide support services, develop management and monitoring systems, create delivery processes, and enhance staff capacity for effective and efficie

  • The development objective of the Meghalaya Community-Led Landscapes Management Project for India is to strengthen community-led landscapes management in selected landscapes in the state of Meghalaya. There are three components. First component, Strengthening Knowledge and Capacity for Natural Resource Management (NRM) objective of this component is to enable the development, assimilation, analysis, and dissemination of knowledge and skills to improve landscape management within the state. This component will comprise the following subcomponents. a) promotion of traditional knowledge, grass-root innovations, and communication; b) training and capacity building; c) preparation of strategies, research, and development; and d) monitoring, learning, and reporting (IBRD Financing; Second component, Community-led landscape planning and implementation will support both planning and implementation of the landscape plans by communities in the selected very high/high priority areas. It has three sub-component, a) preparation of community landscape plans; b) implementation of community landscape plans and implementation support; and c) implementation Support to community landscape planning and implementation; Third component, project management and governance will support the strengthening of the institutional capacity and knowledge management of the project implementing entity, Meghalaya Basin Management Agency (MBMA), for the implementation and management of the project including, among others, (a) establishment of the State Project Management Unit (SPMU) within the MBMA and support to seven District Project Management Unit (DPMUs), including technical staff and consultants; (b) the incremental costs associated with implementation; (c) administrative support to 20 Block Project Management Unit (BPMUs); and (d) technical fiduciary and safeguards oversight and supervision of proj

  • The development objective of Atal Bhujal Yojana (ABHY) - National Groundwater Management Improvement Program for India is to improve the management of groundwater resources in selected states. The activities under the program are mapped to the two results areas. Activities under Results Area 1 will focus on : (a) introducing bottom-up planning of groundwater interventions through community-led Water Security Plan (WSPs); (b) improving government spending through the planning process; and (c) implementing participatory groundwater management, including both supply and demand side measures. Results Area 2 focuses on building institutional capacity at all levels, including improving groundwater information and making it publicly accessible. Results Area 2 also focuses on strengthening the results-based culture for groundwater management within the Government of India (GoI) by improving output and outcome Monitoring and Evaluation (M and E).

  • The development objective of the Uttarakhand Water Supply Program For Peri-urban Areas Project for India is to increase access to improved water supply services in peri-urban areas in Uttarakhand. The Government of Uttarakhand (GoUK) Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) Program is well aligned with the Government of India (GoI) targets, and comprises six sub-sectoral components: (a) Urban Water Supply, (b) Urban Sanitation, (c) Rural Water Supply, (d) Rural Sanitation, (e) Peri-urban Water Supply, and (f) Peri-urban Sanitation. As part of the Urban Water Supply component, the state envisages treated and pressurized piped water supply for all households by 2030, with at least 60 percent metered connections. The Urban Sanitation component has two sub-components: (a) enhancing the coverage of Individual Household Latrines (IHHLs) from 94 percent to 100 percent of households by 2019, a target which has recently been achieved, and (b) expansion of sewer network from 30 percent coverage of current urban population to 50 percent collection and treatment by 2030. While 64 percent of rural households have access to piped water supply, it is envisaged that universal coverage with 70 lpcd can be achieved by 2022 under the Rural Water Supply program. Similar to the urban areas, the state’s Rural Sanitation program envisages enhancing the coverage of IHHLs from 86 percent to 100 percent in all rural households by 2019, which has recently been achieved. The Peri-urban Water Supply program specifically targets improvements from the existing 45 percent coverage and intermittent supply to the provision of universal water supply at par with urban standards. The Peri-urban Sanitation program aims at rapidly moving from the existing 90 percent IHHL coverage to achieving the Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) targets by 2019, which it has recently achieved. While the state has achieved the state-

  • The objective of the Tamil Nadu Irrigated Agriculture Modernization Project for India is to enhance productivity and climate resilience of irrigated agriculture, improve water management, and increase market opportunities for farmers and agro-entrepreneurs in selected sub-basin areas of Tamil Nadu. There are four components to the project, the first component being irrigation and water management. This component will address irrigation and water management in a holistic manner by covering both supply and demand simultaneously. It consists of four subcomponents: institutional strengthening and capacity building for water management; irrigation systems modernization; participatory irrigation management; and convergence for improved service delivery. The second component is the agriculture productivity enhancement, diversification, improved livelihoods, marketing, and value addition. The component consists of three subcomponents: agriculture intensification and diversification; improved alternative livelihood sources through livestock and inland fisheries; and agriculture marketing, value addition and postharvest management. The third component is the project management support. The project will finance: (a) the establishment and operations of the MDPU; and (b) setting up of an M&E system for the project and contracting of an external M&E agency to monitor the project activities and impact. This component will also finance dedicated staffing for the project activities, consultancies, training and related material, office equipment, and incremental operational costs. Finally, the fourth component is the contingency response. This zero-cost component will finance eligible expenditures under the Contingent Emergency Response (CER) to provide immediate response to an eligible crisis or emergency as needed in Tamil Nadu. This contingency facility can be triggered through form

  • The development objective of the Bihar Transformative Development Project for India is to diversify and enhance household-level incomes and improve access to and use of nutrition and sanitation services among targeted households. The project comprises of five components. The first component, community institutional development aims to develop strong and sustainable women-only self-help groups (SHGs) and their federations, and producer organizations (POs) and to systematically build the capacity of these organizations. It consists of two sub-components: (i) development of self-help groups and their federations; and (ii) development of producer organizations. The second component, community investment funds aims to diversify and enhance household income by: (a) providing community-based organizations (CBOs) with financing on a demand driven basis, which in turn, allows them to access larger investments for activities outlined in their micro investment plans from commercial banks and other financial institutions; (b) providing producer organizations (POs) financing for value chain interventions (including input services, value-addition, and market linkages) in the farm and nonfarm sector outlined in their business plans; and (c) providing eligible youth with skills training, job placements and post-placement support, and entrepreneurship opportunities. This component has three sub-components: (i) community investment; (ii) value chain development; and (iii) skills training and entrepreneurship development. The third component, access to nutrition and sanitation services aims to improve SHG women and SHG households’ nutrition, hygiene, and sanitation practices and increase their access to and use of nutrition and sanitation services - made available through the integrated child development services (ICDS) and swachh bharat mission (SBM) programs of Government of India (Go