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Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program


The ASL organizes webinars on topics relevant to the Amazon such as sustainable forest management, restoration, protected area management, wetland conservation, biodiversity managements, and others. 

If you would like to be part of our distribution list and receive invitations to join the ASL webinars, please email asl-info@worldbank.org.


Upcoming Webinars

Landscape Connectivity - Ecological and Cultural Approaches in the Amazon
October 2, 2024

Landscape Connectivity - Ecological and Cultural Approaches in the Amazon
Ecological connectivity refers to the unimpeded movement of species and natural processes essential for life on Earth, playing a critical role in conserving biodiversity and maintaining healthy ecosystems. Ecological corridors are key tools for enhancing connectivity between ecosystems, crucial for both conservation and sustainable development. This webinar, organized in collaboration with The Field Museum of Chicago, will explore biocultural landscapes, cross-border collaboration, and best practices for maintaining ecological connectivity in the Amazon.


Past Webinars


Presentation of the Rapid Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in the Amazon Basin/Region
May 14, 2024

Amazonian sloth
This Rapid Assessment at the regional level is a milestone in our Region and worldwide. This assessment is the first undertaken at sub-regional level in the world that follows the conceptual framework and methodology of IPBES. It is expected that this important assessment will become a strategic input that will provide relevant, timely and rigorous information for decision making and the generation of public policies for the conservation of biodiversity, ecosystem services and protection of traditional knowledge in the Amazon. The Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program (ASL) in its mission to promote the dialogue of knowledge and best practices has created the opportunity to disseminate this important work.

Putting geospatial data into action: Indigenous Peoples' community-led rainforest monitoring in the Amazon region
April 2, 2024

Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Webinar
In this webinar, we will explore how new technologies, including geospatial data, directly used by Indigenous Peoples can support effective management of their territories, providing them with accessible, up to date information to monitor threats and preserve their natural resources. Drawing on examples of participatory monitoring efforts from Brazil, Guyana, and Peru, speakers will show how new technologies, including mobile apps, drones, and satellite imagery, are being used to track areas of deforestation and provide compelling evidence to influence policymakers. Join us as we discuss how community-led initiatives supported by geospatial data can tackle environmental threats and support the protection of these invaluable territories.

Financing Nature through Debt Conversion
March 14, 2024

Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Webinar
In this third installment of the ASL and Pew Sustainable Financing for Nature webinar series experts shared practical experience with debt conversions for nature. They described how these agreements work, the potential for future agreements and the key factors and risks that need to be considered. Perspectives from a diversity of sectoral partners allowed audience members to gain a deeper understanding of this innovative tool and how it can be used to finance investments in nature while simultaneously uplifting developing nations, with a particular view to how this instrument could benefit the Amazon biome.


Achieving the 30x30 Target in Latin America and the World ¨C Guidance for Implementation
November 9, 2023

Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Webinar
A key target of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) aims to ensure 30 percent of terrestrial, aquatic, and marine areas are effectively conserved (Target 3), reflecting the strategic role conservation areas play in guaranteeing global environmental benefits, and their importance to reach the global vision of a world living in harmony with nature by 2050. To help countries implement activities to achieve this target, a new guide on Target 3: ¡°30x30: A Guide to Inclusive, Equitable and Effective Implementation of Target 3 of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework¡± was developed by WWF, IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC), with funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The guide is an introductory ¡°how-to¡± for implementers tasked with protecting 30 percent of the planet by 2030. It draws on the experience from several countries, including Ecuador and Chile, who discussed their national approaches. The webinar offered an opportunity for participants to discuss how to fulfill this ambitious target in ways that are inclusive, equitable, and effective; with a focus on the Amazon and Latin America but with relevance for countries worldwide aiming to protect high biodiversity areas.


Financing Conservation ¨C The Role of Bonds
October 19, 2023 

Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Webinar
The second installment of this ASL Sustainable Financing for Nature webinar series explored the use of bonds to catalyze new funding sources for conservation. Bonds present an innovative pathway to leverage funds for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration, financing a wide range of conservation activities, such as protected area management, sustainable livelihoods and forest restoration. The green bond market alone has grown rapidly since the first bond was issued in 2007, reaching a cumulative issuance of USD 1 trillion in 2020. Drawing on practical examples from around the world, experts from the field explained how different types of bonds are being used to unlock resources for conservation and how similar models might be applied to protect the Amazon Rainforest and enhance livelihoods.

Exploring Employment Effects on Restoration Efforts
August 29, 2023

Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program
This webinar explored the social and economic benefits arising from restoration activities supported by the ASL program. In collaboration with Climate Focus, a study highlighting the employment dynamics associated with forest restoration was developed. The session uncovered the benefits of investing in restoration, as inputs for private and public financing decisions in the context of the UN Decade for Restoration.

Global Biodiversity Challenge: River Dolphins and Development ¨C Is This Possible?
June 20, 2023

Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program
Technical learning event organized by the Biodiversity Conservation Technical Group of the World Bank, in collaboration with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the ASL Program to learn about river dolphins and the perils that six species are facing to survive in the only two regions where they live (South America and South Asia). The session will discuss the conservation and avoidance measures taken to reduce harm to these dolphin species as a result of development projects, including those in the World Bank.

Unlocking Private Finance for Nature
May 23, 2023 

Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program
Private finance can and must be harnessed to drive critical protection and management of biodiversity and ecosystem services, which are deteriorating at an unprecedented level. To address this, in December 2022 parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity adopted the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, part of which includes a target to protect at least 30 percent of lands, inland water, and coastal and marine areas globally by 2030 recognizing and respecting the rights of Indigenous peoples and local communities, including over their traditional territories, and mobilizing resources needed to attain this ¡®30 by 30¡¯ commitment.

It is widely recognized that traditional global and domestic sources of conservation financing will not be sufficient, and there is an urgent need to leverage new financing sources. Drawing upon the 2020 report by the World Bank,?, this webinar explored how the?private?sector can help unlock the resources needed to address the biodiversity and climate crises.




Tipping point in the Amazon - Where are we?
December 1, 2022

Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program
It is increasingly reported that the largest rainforest in the world, the Amazon, is rapidly approaching its tipping point. As highlighted by Carlos Nobre and the late Tom Lovejoy, this tipping point is where parts of the rainforest will convert into drier ecosystems due to disrupted precipitation patterns and more intense dry seasons, both exacerbated by deforestation. The impacts within the Amazon as well as beyond its boundaries can be catastrophic for both people and nature, upsetting a balance that local people have depended on for millennia as they shaped their lives around its climate, the economic foundation that its forests and waters make possible, and the ecosystem services (carbon sink, freshwater, etc.) that it provides to millions across a vast continent. 

This webinar, organized by the Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program (ASL) financed by the GEF and led by the World Bank, together with the Amazon Conservation's Monitoring of the Andean Amazon (MAAP) project  (MAAP) provided a discussion on the tipping point, starting with its meaning and where we may be now ( and ), and the value of indigenous territories and protected areas as a major defense against reaching the tipping point ().


Sustainable management of fisheries in the Amazon region ¨C Case study Putumayo-I?¨¢
November 29, 2022

Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program
The Amazon Basin has the highest diversity of freshwater fish in the world and fishing is the main source of income and food for the riverine communities that inhabit it. Migratory species moving along free flowing rivers and connected ecosystems such as Catfish (Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii), Tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) or Boquichico (Prochilodus nigricans) are the most commercially important in the Amazon Basin. However, they are seriously threatened by a combination of factors such as overfishing, construction of infrastructure that interrupts their migratory route, destruction of breeding habitats, and contamination. Unsustainable and unregulated fishing, together with population growth in some urban centres, increases demand and results in reduced fish stocks that are unable to reproduce and recover. This problem requires joint actions with the participation of different stakehholders such as local communities, governmental intitutions, academia and civil society to design and implement fishery management plans that consider both the context of the Amazon basin and its sub-basins. In this complex and diverse scenario, several management models have been developed and that have serve as case studies from which successful elements can be identify to improve fisheries management in the region.

The series of talks organised by the Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Programme (ASL) under the leadership of the World Bank, in conjunction with the Field Museum of Chicago, presented different fisheries management experiences in the Amazon, highlighting lessons learned that can be applied in other contexts. This third talk presented the vision about sustainable management of fishery resources at the regional scale of the Amazon basin; and later, representatives of the Field Museum of Chicago and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) presented a more specific vision at the sub-basin level and in particular the Putumayo-I?¨¢ river basin. 


Presentation of the study - Women's Solutions: Lessons for the conservation and sustainable development of the Amazon region
October 25, 2022

Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program
The Amazon region is home to 47 million people with multiple cultures, nationalities, perspectives, and realities. In the midst of this diversity, it is important to recognize that women and men, youth and elders participate differently in decision-making regarding natural resource management, and have different levels of access and control over natural resources and the benefits derived from them. These differences - and often inequities - also generate imbalances in women's and men's vulnerability and resilience to environmental risks. Despite the promising reforms that have been generated in recent years to reduce gender gaps, it is necessary to continue advancing in recognizing the role that women have played as agents of change, making valuable contributions to the protection and protection of the environment.

This webinar presented the main results of the study , prepared by the Center for International Forestry Research - CIFOR, commissioned by the regional project of the Amazon Sustainable Landscapes program - ASL led by the World Bank. The study highlights success stories in the Amazon regions of Brazil, Colombia, and Peru, where gender gaps have been reduced, and from which lessons and relevant recommendations for other interventions can be drawn. The event will be attended by some of the protagonists of these stories.

This event was part of the World Bank Group¡¯s yearlong Gender Equality and Development +10: Accelerate Equality initiative, which explores the important progress made and lessons learned over the last 10 years in closing gender gaps and promoting girl's and women's empowerment and drives for transformative change in the future. It provides an opportunity to showcase successes, learn, and develop ideas and further momentum for the future of gender equality and women¡¯s leadership while taking stock of remaining challenges and strengthening partnerships in the quest to #AccelerateEquality.


Innovation for the monitoring of fisheries in the Amazon region
September 29, 2022 

Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program
The Amazon Basin has the greatest diversity of freshwater fish in the world and fishing is the main source of income and food for the riverside communities that inhabit it.  Migratory species, moving along free flowing rivers and connected ecosystems, such as Dorado (Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii), Tambaqu¨ª (Colossoma macropomum) or Boquichico (Prochilodus nigricans) are the most commercially important in the Amazon Basin. However, they are severely threatened by a combination of factors such as overfishing, construction of infrastructure that interrupts their migratory route, destruction of breeding habitats, and contamination. Unsustainable and unregulated fishing, together with population growth in some urban centers, increases demand and results in the reduction of fish populations that are unable to reproduce and recover.

This second talk presented the experience of the ICTIO monitoring tool (ictio.org), developed collaboratively between organized local and indigenous communities and fishers, scientists, and civil society organizations, which today make up the Citizen Science Network for the Amazon. ICTIO is a shared database and application that records, compiles, and shares observations of the main commercial species of Amazonian fish to better understand their migration and extraction patterns, and thus contribute to the sustainable management of fisheries and the conservation of priority aquatic ecosystems in the Amazon Basin.


Strengthening Sharing of Benefits from Tourism with Local Communities 
July 27, 2022 

Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program
Tourism in protected areas can generate benefits for local communities living around them, supporting local development and strengthening their collaboration in biodiversity conservation. To share the benefits of tourism with local people, benefit-sharing arrangements have been established across the world by public authorities, private businesses, communities, and NGO partners. These have provided a range of tangible and intangible benefits to communities. But without effective design and implementation, even established mechanisms may fail to deliver and threaten the premise of sustainable and inclusive tourism.

This webinar, co-organized by the ASL and the GWP, discussed benefit-sharing models, challenges and opportunities, and recommendations to strengthen these complex arrangements. Diverse models of tourism initiatives that are benefiting local communities will be highlighted to improve the impact of global protected area tourism.

 | Watch the recording 

Wildlife Insights ¨C a platform to conserve and monitor wildlife in the tropics
July 21, 2022 

Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program
The Amazon is the largest rainforest in the world and is home to one in ten known species. To help secure biodiversity, reliable and up-to-date information is needed to understand the status and trends of wildlife species and address major threats. This webinar shared information about Wildlife Insights and the analytical tool built for pilot sites in the Amazon to analyze camera trap data and answer key questions on biodiversity and areas¡¯ effective management.

The tool, becoming of great value for communities and conservation area managers, gives an overview of species richness, the list of species, and single species occupancy, and allows users to select and create comparison groups and to explore how wildlife populations may differ under varying management regimes, conservation programs, or other factors. The tool has been developed within Wildlife Insights, a cloud-based platform that uses machine learning to identify animals in camera trap images and provides tools to easily analyze and share important information on wildlife with the goal of recovering global wildlife populations. A customized analytical tool for Amazon sites, subject to scaling up, is a product of the GEF-funded, WB-led Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program (ASL), a regional initiative between Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, and Suriname to improve integrated landscape management and ecosystem conservation in priority areas of the Amazon.

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Young Voices of the Amazon
June 30, 2022

Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program
Young people play a leading role in efforts to protect ecosystems on the planet. They do it for the present and for the future that awaits them. The Amazon Sustainable Landscapes (ASL) program organized this conversation to present the work done so far to incorporate the efforts of young people in the conservation of the Amazon. 

The event was an opportunity to hear the voices of the ASL teams and, mainly, the young participants in the different activities. The purpose was to know the actions they are implementing, the lessons learned and the vision of the future that the youngest have for the environmental protection and sustainable development of communities in the Amazon region.

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GEF BBL - Bioeconomy ¨C a strategy for inclusive green recovery in the Amazon
June 16, 2022 

Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program
This virtual event, organized by GEF, presented how the GEF-funded Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program (ASL) is supporting bioeconomy and other nature-based solutions in the Amazon region. The program started the implementation of its national projects in 2018, and through its work, it is promoting a dynamic nature-based economy, and exploring multiple nature-based solutions under a landscape approach. The event discussed some of the results and lessons achieved by the ASL Program and a recent  developed by the Inter-American Development Bank and The Nature Conservancy in the State of Par¨¢, Brazil. This innovative study analyzes the economic value and importance of biodiversity for the Amazon region. The ASL presentation also featured some specific examples from national projects in Colombia and Peru, where non-timber forest products have been supported along diverse value chains.



Fisheries governance: a collaborative management model for the Amazon region
May 26, 2022

Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program
The Amazon Basin has the greatest diversity of freshwater fish in the world and fishing is the main source of income and food for the riverine communities that inhabit it. The fisheries, which generate approximately US$400 million per year and employ, for example, 200,000 people in Brazil alone, are at risk. Overexploitation of fisheries as a result of inadequate practices affects the food security of the populations that depend on them, and, negatively impacts the ecological dynamics of ecosystems and household income. Addressing these threats and strengthening the fishing activity as a sustainable and inclusive economic alternative requires multiple interventions of different scope and scale. In such processes,  the involvement of local fishing communities is critical in their design, management, and implementation.

This event was part of a series of talks organized by the World Bank-led Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program (ASL), together with the Field Museum of Chicago, and aimed to present different fisheries management experiences in the Amazon region, highlighting lessons learned that can be applied in other contexts. In this first discussion, we presented the experience of developing fisheries management models in Loreto region of the Peruvian Amazon, with the support of the Instituto del Bien Com¨²n (IBC). This model has integrated multiple management tools that recognize local customs and knowledge and promote the articulation between public sector actions and citizen participation. Discussants working in other regions of the Amazon will enrich the dialogue.

Sharing successful experiences of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities' engagement in conservation
May 5, 2022

Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program
Indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs) are at the center of the biodiversity and climate crises; both because they are impacted by these but also as they are an essential part of the solutions. Solutions such as increasing the percentage of global terrestrial and marine surfaces under conservation and improving their effective management will only be possible by involving, through innovative and inclusive processes, IPLCs in decision making related to natural resources planning and management at multiple scales. IPLCs not only have rights over these natural resources, but they also bring unique perspectives, skills, and a wealth of knowledge that can help find solutions to address not just their local needs but global threats.

The webinar, hosted jointly by the World Bank-led Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program (ASL) and the Global Wildlife Program (GWP) which are both Global Environment Facility (GEF)-funded programs, presented selected approaches and tools implemented in Africa and Latin America, that promote engagement with IPLCs in natural resource conservation and sustainable development. Legado Initiative will share their experience in providing tools and resources to establish partnerships with communities towards their Thriving Futures, and Wildlife Conservation Society will share a set of participatory methodologies to help IPLCs strengthen their capacities in territorial management.




Securing Sustainable Financing for Conservation Areas
December 7, 2021

Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program
In the face of the twin crises of biodiversity loss and climate change, governments and their partners in civil society have increased their efforts to protect and conserve nature in line with the anticipated global goal to protect 30% of the planet by 2030. Reaching this goal will require more¡ªand more effectively managed¡ªprotected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures, but current funding is not enough to cover existing needs or to increase the areas under protection. Project Finance for Permanence (PFP) is an approach designed to secure the policies, conditions, and full funding for the effective and long-lasting protection of our planet¡¯s important natural places. It is being successfully applied in Bhutan, Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, and Peru, and there is increased interest in applying the PFP approach in other countries. To meet that interest with information, the ASL Working Group on Sustainable Finance has led the publication of Securing Sustainable Financing for Conservation Areas; A Guide to Project Finance for Permanence, to capture the experience and lessons learned from PFP practitioners and to serve as a guide for the application of the PFP approach. This webinar provided an overview of the main characteristics of PFPs and present the new guide, followed by a discussion with a diverse panel of stakeholders from PFPs currently being implemented.

Watch the recording

Calculating the economic impact of illegal mining
October 5, 2021

Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program
Illegal and unregulated artisanal small-scale gold mining poses a significant threat to ecosystems in the world, including the Amazon. The threat is not only due to the deforestation and degradation caused by the activity but from the use of mercury in both alluvial and land-based mining, which then seeps into both surface and subway waterways, poisoning the water and entering the local food chain via fish. This webinar will present an innovative tool designed by Conservation Strategy Fund commissioned by the Brazilian Federal Public Prosecutor¡¯s Office. The ¡°Mining Impact Calculator¡± estimates the monetary value of the social and environmental impact of illegal gold mining activities in the Brazilian Amazon, focusing on deforestation, river silting, and mercury contamination.

| Watch the recording

Could a future pandemic come from the Amazon?
May 11, 2021

Pandemics have arisen roughly every 20 years over the past century and a half. The Amazon has characteristics ¨C high diversity of wildlife virus hosts and rising deforestation rates ¨C which are common to hotspots for emerging diseases. Yet, currently the Amazon is still considered a low spillover area. This webinar hosted by the ASL program will present the results of the report ¡°Could a future pandemic come from the Amazon? The Science and Policy of Pandemic Prevention in the Amazon¡±, that suggests key actions to reduce the risk that the basin becomes a source of future pandemics. The webinar will be in English with Spanish and Portuguese simultaneous interpretation.
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Free flowing rivers in the Amazon region
February 16, 2021

Healthy rivers support freshwater fish stocks that improve food security for hundreds of millions of people, deliver sediment that keeps deltas above rising seas, mitigate the impact of extreme floods and droughts, prevent loss of infrastructure and fields to erosion, and support a wealth of biodiversity. New research in the Amazon shows 16 of the region¡¯s 26 very long rivers currently remain free flowing, while planned dams would further reduce that number to 9. The webinar will present the results of the global and Amazon Basin assessments, opening a discussion of the global, regional, and national benefits of free flowing rivers, the environmental, social, and economic impacts of disrupting rivers¡¯ connectivity, and recommendations for multisectoral planning and river protection approaches that align with development goals.
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Valuing Nature Conservation ¨C Quantifying the benefits of protecting the planet's natural capital
November 17, 2020

of the global economy depends on natural capital. Acting as the planet's balance sheet, natural capital provides critical services and resilience. It supports water cycles and soil formation while protecting our communities from major storms, floods, fires, and desertification. By absorbing CO2, it limits the pace of climate change. This webinar will focus on the results of the latest McKinsey and Company report "Valuing Nature Conservation: A methodology for quantifying the benefits of protecting the planet's natural capital".
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Wildlife Insights ¨C A new platform to conserve and monitor wildlife in the tropics
July 23, 2020

The Amazon is the largest rainforest in the world and is home to one in ten known species in the world. To help secure biodiversity, we need reliable and up-to-date information to understand the status and trends of wildlife species and prevent major threats. Join this webinar to learn about Wildlife Insights, an innovative technology platform solution build to speed up the processing, identification and analysis of camera trap data to enable data-driven wildlife conservation actions.
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Sustainable financing of protected areas ¨C Public-private partnerships, the experience of Forever Costa Rica
June 25, 2020

Forever Costa Rica Association (FCR), a private independent conservation trust fund created in 2010, works in partnership with the Government¡¯s National Service of Conservation Areas (SINAC) to finance and implement the country¡¯s biodiversity conservation efforts and PA system. FCR will present its 10+ years¡¯ experience pursuing the conservation of terrestrial and marine ecosystems and the evolution of its alliances with the private sector and civil society.
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Sustainable financing of protected areas ¨C Earmarking funds from carbon taxes, Colombia
May 19, 2020

Protected Area systems (PA) are globally considered as one of the most effective approaches for conservation and to tackle climate change, but they are facing ever increasing threats and chronic lack of critically needed financial resources. This webinar focused on the Colombian carbon tax as an economic tool to encourage national greenhouse gas mitigation goals. It showcased the negotiation and design process that led to these funds being earmarked and the resulting impact it has had on PA management and conservation.
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Roads in the Amazon ¨C A better network for people and the environment
May 5, 2020

The rapidly expanding network of roads in the Amazon is permanently altering the world¡¯s largest tropical rainforest. The webinar discussed the expected environmental, social and economic impacts of 75 road projects, totaling 12000 kilometers of planned roads in the Amazon region. It was based on a study by the Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF) which contributes to informed decision-making by quantifying the environmental, social and economic effects of the planned projects.
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Conservation and local community development in the Great Bear Rainforest
April 23, 2020

This was the first of three webinars hosted by the ASL Working Group on Sustainable Finance. Brodie Guy, Executive Director of the Cost Funds, shared the innovative approaches and experience gained over 10 years of supporting First Nations community businesses, economic development and conservation management in one of the largest remaining temperate rainforests and highlighted lessons that could inspire similar approaches for Protected Areas around the world.
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Technology meet policy in the Amazon
March 25, 2020

Our recent webinar featured MAAP, an initiative of Amazon Conservation (ACCA), that specializes in satellite-based, real-time deforestation monitoring of the Amazon as well as their recent 2019 synthesis report on Amazon Deforestation Trends and Hotspots.
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Fires in the Brazilian Amazon¡ªWhat¡¯s Happening in 2019 
September 18, 2019

The significant uptick of fires in the Brazilian Amazon observed in July and August garnered a tsunami of international attention. To better understand the situation, the ASL hosted a virtual technical meeting ¡°Fogo na Amaz?nia: O que est¨¢ acontecendo em 2019?¡° to discuss essential information about the fires and its causes. The presentation by Ane Alencar, Science Director of the Institute for Environmental Research (IPAM, in Portuguese), provided an overview of the monitoring and analytical approaches being pursued by IPAM to understand historical deforestation patterns across various Brazilian biomes and land tenure categories. It focused on the complex interactions between deforestation, climatic factors, and land designation categories and their influence on fire incidence in the Amazon, highlighting how data gathered in the first eight months of 2019 shows a significant increase in fire incidence compared with recent historical patterns.  (in Spanish)

Citizen Science for the Amazon
August 28, 2019

This webinar shared information about the project Citizen Science for the Amazon, led by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). The project seeks to generate information about fish and water at a basin scale and to train citizens as informed and empowered actors for the sustainable management of fisheries and the conservation of wetlands. With multiple pilot sites in the Amazon region and a network of more than 30 organizations, the project offers solutions for conservation and sustainable development with the community playing the role of leading scientists and users of easy-to-reach technologies. Representatives from research institutions and NGOs from Colombia, Peru, and Brazil shared their experience and lessons from the field. (in Spanish)

How Brazil Has Reduced 80% of the Amazon Deforestation in 10 Years - Lessons Learned and Recommendations
May 2019

Deforestation is a global challenge for humankind and climate change. Ongoing forest loss, particularly in the tropics, has been a major concern for the scientific and sustainable development communities. However, between 2004-2014, Brazil adopted policies that have reduced forest loss by 80% in the Amazon. The webinar discussed the challenges of designing, implementing and delivering bold results for global climate change mitigation. 

Measuring the Economic Value of the Amazon¡¯s Ecosystem Services
August 2018

The results of the study developed by the World Bank with the financial support of the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment were presented.  was developed as part of the project. The hydrological calculations can be accessed on the  website.

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