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Programa Paisagens Sustent¨¢veis ??da Amaz?nia


O ASL organiza webinars sobre t¨®picos relevantes para a Amaz?nia, como manejo florestal sustent¨¢vel, restaura??o, manejo de ¨¢reas protegidas, conserva??o de ¨¢reas ¨²midas, manejo da biodiversidade e outros. 

Se quiser fazer parte de nossa lista de distribui??o e receber convites para participar dos webinars do ASL, envie um e-mail para asl-info@worldbank.org.

Dados geoespaciais na pr¨¢tica: monitoramento comunit¨¢rio de florestas tropicais por povos ind¨ªgenas na regi?o Amaz?nica
2 de abril de 2024

Neste webinar, exploraremos como as novas tecnologias, incluindo dados geoespaciais, usadas diretamente pelos povos ind¨ªgenas, podem contribuir para a gest?o eficaz de seus territ¨®rios, fornecendo-lhes informa??es acess¨ªveis e atualizadas para monitorar amea?as e preservar seus recursos naturais. Com base em exemplos de iniciativas de monitoramento participativo do Brasil, Guiana e Peru, os palestrantes mostrar?o como as novas tecnologias, incluindo aplicativos m¨®veis, drones e imagens de sat¨¦lite, est?o sendo usadas para rastrear ¨¢reas de desmatamento e fornecer evid¨ºncias convincentes para influenciar os tomadores de decis?o na elabora??o de pol¨ªticas. Participe desta reuni?o para saber como as iniciativas comunit¨¢rias apoiadas por dados geoespaciais podem combater as amea?as ambientais e apoiar a prote??o desses territ¨®rios de valor inestim¨¢vel.

Financiamento da Natureza atrav¨¦s da Convers?o de D¨ªvida
14 de mar?o de 2024

Nesta terceira parte do webinar Sustainable Finance for Nature (Finan?as sustent¨¢veis para a natureza), organizado pelo ASL e pelo Pew, os especialistas compartilharam experi¨ºncias pr¨¢ticas com convers?es de d¨ªvida por natureza. Esta sess?o descreveu como esses acordos funcionam, o potencial para acordos futuros e os principais fatores e riscos a serem considerados. As perspectivas de diversos parceiros setoriais permitiram que os membros da plateia compreendessem melhor essa ferramenta inovadora e como ela pode ser usada para financiar investimentos na natureza e, ao mesmo tempo, fortalecer os pa¨ªses em desenvolvimento, com uma vis?o especial de como esse instrumento poderia beneficiar o bioma amaz?nico.


Alcan?ando a Meta 30x30 na Am¨¦rica Latina e no Mundo ¨C Guia para Implementa??o
9 de novembro de 2023

Uma meta principal do Quadro Global de Biodiversidade Kunming-Montreal (GBF, por sua sigla em ingl¨ºs) visa garantir que 30 por cento das ¨¢reas terrestres, aqu¨¢ticas e marinhas sejam efetivamente conservadas (Meta 3), refletindo o papel estrat¨¦gico que as ¨¢reas de conserva??o desempenham na garantia de benef¨ªcios ambientais globais e a sua import?ncia na concretiza??o da vis?o global de um mundo que viva em harmonia com a natureza at¨¦ 2050. Para ajudar os pa¨ªses a implementar actividades para atingir esta meta, um novo guia sobre a Meta 3: ¡°30x30: Um guia para a implementa??o inclusiva, equitativa e eficaz da Meta 3 do Quadro Global de Biodiversidade Kunming-Montreal¡± foi desenvolvido pela WWF, pela Comiss?o Mundial de ?reas Protegidas (CMAP) da Uni?o Internacional para a Conserva??o da Natureza (UICN) e pela The Nature Conservancy (TNC), com financiamento do Fundo Global para o Meio Ambiente (GEF, por sua sigla em ingl¨ºs). Trata-se de um guia introdut¨®rio para implementadores encarregados de proteger 30 por cento do planeta at¨¦ 2030. Baseia-se na experi¨ºncia de v¨¢rios pa¨ªses, incluindo o Equador e o Chile, que discutir?o as suas abordagens nacionais. Este webinar oferece aos participantes a oportunidade de discutir como atingir este ambicioso meta de forma inclusiva, equitativa e eficaz; com foco na Amaz?nia e na Am¨¦rica Latina, mas com relev?ncia para pa¨ªses ao redor do mundo que buscam proteger ¨¢reas de alta biodiversidade.

Financiando a Conserva??o ¨C O Papel dos T¨ªtulos
19 de outubro de 2023

A segunda edi??o desta s¨¦rie de webinars organizada pelo ASL sobre Financiamento Sustent¨¢vel para a Natureza explorar¨® o uso de t¨ªtulos para catalisar novas fontes de financiamento da conserva??o. Os t¨ªtulos apresentam uma maneira inovadora de alavancar fundos para a conserva??o da biodiversidade e a restaura??o de ecossistemas, financiando uma ampla gama de atividades de conserva??o, como o gerenciamento de ¨¢reas protegidas, meios de subsist¨ºncia sustent¨¢veis e restaura??o florestal. O mercado de t¨ªtulos verdes cresceu rapidamente desde que o primeiro t¨ªtulo foi emitido em 2007, atingindo uma emiss?o acumulada de US$ 1 trilh?o at¨¦ 2020. Com base em exemplos pr¨¢ticos de todo o mundo, especialistas nesta ¨¢rea explicaram como diferentes tipos de t¨ªtulos est?o sendo usados para liberar recursos para a conserva??o e como modelos semelhantes poderiam ser aplicados para proteger a floresta amaz?nica e melhorar os meios de subsist¨ºncia.


Free flowing rivers in the Amazon region
February 16, 2021

Healthy rivers support freshwater fish stocks that improve food security for hundreds of millions of people, deliver sediment that keeps deltas above rising seas, mitigate the impact of extreme floods and droughts, prevent loss of infrastructure and fields to erosion, and support a wealth of biodiversity. New research in the Amazon shows 16 of the region¡¯s 26 very long rivers currently remain free flowing, while planned dams would further reduce that number to 9. The webinar will present the results of the global and Amazon Basin assessments, opening a discussion of the global, regional, and national benefits of free flowing rivers, the environmental, social, and economic impacts of disrupting rivers¡¯ connectivity, and recommendations for multisectoral planning and river protection approaches that align with development goals.
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Valuing Nature Conservation ¨C Quantifying the benefits of protecting the planet's natural capital
November 17, 2020

of the global economy depends on natural capital. Acting as the planet's balance sheet, natural capital provides critical services and resilience. It supports water cycles and soil formation while protecting our communities from major storms, floods, fires, and desertification. By absorbing CO2, it limits the pace of climate change. This webinar will focus on the results of the latest McKinsey and Company report "Valuing Nature Conservation: A methodology for quantifying the benefits of protecting the planet's natural capital".
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Wildlife Insights ¨C A new platform to conserve and monitor wildlife in the tropics
July 23, 2020

The Amazon is the largest rainforest in the world and is home to one in ten known species in the world. To help secure biodiversity, we need reliable and up-to-date information to understand the status and trends of wildlife species and prevent major threats. Join this webinar to learn about Wildlife Insights, an innovative technology platform solution build to speed up the processing, identification and analysis of camera trap data to enable data-driven wildlife conservation actions.
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Sustainable financing of protected areas ¨C Public-private partnerships, the experience of Forever Costa Rica
June 25, 2020

Forever Costa Rica Association (FCR), a private independent conservation trust fund created in 2010, works in partnership with the Government¡¯s National Service of Conservation Areas (SINAC) to finance and implement the country¡¯s biodiversity conservation efforts and PA system. FCR will present its 10+ years¡¯ experience pursuing the conservation of terrestrial and marine ecosystems and the evolution of its alliances with the private sector and civil society.
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Sustainable financing of protected areas ¨C Earmarking funds from carbon taxes, Colombia
May 19, 2020

Protected Area systems (PA) are globally considered as one of the most effective approaches for conservation and to tackle climate change, but they are facing ever increasing threats and chronic lack of critically needed financial resources. This webinar focused on the Colombian carbon tax as an economic tool to encourage national greenhouse gas mitigation goals. It showcased the negotiation and design process that led to these funds being earmarked and the resulting impact it has had on PA management and conservation.
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Roads in the Amazon ¨C A better network for people and the environment
May 5, 2020

The rapidly expanding network of roads in the Amazon is permanently altering the world¡¯s largest tropical rainforest. The webinar discussed the expected environmental, social and economic impacts of 75 road projects, totaling 12000 kilometers of planned roads in the Amazon region. It was based on a study by the Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF) which contributes to informed decision-making by quantifying the environmental, social and economic effects of the planned projects.
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Conservation and local community development in the Great Bear Rainforest
April 23, 2020

This was the first of three webinars hosted by the ASL Working Group on Sustainable Finance. Brodie Guy, Executive Director of the Cost Funds, shared the innovative approaches and experience gained over 10 years of supporting First Nations community businesses, economic development and conservation management in one of the largest remaining temperate rainforests and highlighted lessons that could inspire similar approaches for Protected Areas around the world.
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Technology meet policy in the Amazon
March 25, 2020

Our recent webinar featured MAAP, an initiative of Amazon Conservation (ACCA), that specializes in satellite-based, real-time deforestation monitoring of the Amazon as well as their recent 2019 synthesis report on Amazon Deforestation Trends and Hotspots.
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Fires in the Brazilian Amazon¡ªWhat¡¯s Happening in 2019 
September 18, 2019

The significant uptick of fires in the Brazilian Amazon observed in July and August garnered a tsunami of international attention. To better understand the situation, the ASL hosted a virtual technical meeting ¡°Fogo na Amaz?nia: O que est¨¢ acontecendo em 2019?¡° to discuss essential information about the fires and its causes. The presentation by Ane Alencar, Science Director of the Institute for Environmental Research (IPAM, in Portuguese), provided an overview of the monitoring and analytical approaches being pursued by IPAM to understand historical deforestation patterns across various Brazilian biomes and land tenure categories. It focused on the complex interactions between deforestation, climatic factors, and land designation categories and their influence on fire incidence in the Amazon, highlighting how data gathered in the first eight months of 2019 shows a significant increase in fire incidence compared with recent historical patterns.  (in Spanish)

Citizen Science for the Amazon
August 28, 2019

This webinar shared information about the project Citizen Science for the Amazon, led by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). The project seeks to generate information about fish and water at a basin scale and to train citizens as informed and empowered actors for the sustainable management of fisheries and the conservation of wetlands. With multiple pilot sites in the Amazon region and a network of more than 30 organizations, the project offers solutions for conservation and sustainable development with the community playing the role of leading scientists and users of easy-to-reach technologies. Representatives from research institutions and NGOs from Colombia, Peru, and Brazil shared their experience and lessons from the field. (in Spanish)

How Brazil Has Reduced 80% of the Amazon Deforestation in 10 Years - Lessons Learned and Recommendations
May 2019

Deforestation is a global challenge for humankind and climate change. Ongoing forest loss, particularly in the tropics, has been a major concern for the scientific and sustainable development communities. However, between 2004-2014, Brazil adopted policies that have reduced forest loss by 80% in the Amazon. The webinar discussed the challenges of designing, implementing and delivering bold results for global climate change mitigation. 

Measuring the Economic Value of the Amazon¡¯s Ecosystem Services
August 2018

The results of the study developed by the World Bank with the financial support of the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment were presented.  was developed as part of the project. The hydrological calculations can be accessed on the  website.

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