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Building Evidence on Forced Displacement


The program supports research specifically targeted to address forced displacement in five thematic areas: education, gender, health, jobs, and social protection. Grants are given to top research institutions to produce analyses exploring the following themes: 

GenderPreventing Social Conflict and Promoting Social Cohesion in Forced Displacement Contexts I Health I Social Protection I Education I Jobs




Women and children who are forcibly displaced due to conflict, violence, and natural disasters are highly vulnerable to hardships and human rights violations. According to available data, in 2019, 51 % of the displaced were women, and 48 %  were children.  The program addresses gender inequality through a series of new empirical analyses across a range of settings that looks at the gender dimensions of forced displacement. 

Gender Dimensions of Forced Displacement (GDFD) Research Program


Policy and Analysis

Poverty and Inequality

    • Blog:
    • Blog:

Gender-based Violence

    • Blog:

Gender Norms

    • Blog:

Livelihoods and Development



Preventing Social Conflict and Promoting Social Cohesion in Forced Displacement Contexts


This study examines how public policies can address social inequalities that lead to or are the consequence of forced displacement crises. Through the lens of social inequalities, the study looks at  the roots of social conflicts and population displacements, how forced displacement crises can be prevented or how they can be quickly stabilized at early stages before they become chronic problems that require complex sustainable solutions. The study will focus on critical inequalities such as those of income, opportunities, access to services or gender inequalities,  between and within displaced populations and host communities.

Brief: Forced Displacement and Social Cohesion

Read the summary report:

Read the blogs:

Read the background papers:

1. The role of baseline conditions in host communities

2. Socioeconomic conditions, attitudes, and behaviors of host communities

 3. Contributions of refugees on socio-economic conditions
4. Policy Interventions that Affect Social Cohesion in Displacement Contexts
5. Socioeconomic conditions, attitudes, and behaviors of the displaced

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Launch event:

  • . This report synthesizes findings from a joint series of 26 working papers on forced displacement and social cohesion. This analysis offers actionable insights for policymakers and development practitioners on mitigating the negative effects of displacement and effectively promoting social cohesion.

Watch the short animated video:




In fragile and conflict-affected situations, the influx of large numbers of refugees and internally displaced people  can severely stress health systems. This research theme provides practical programming and policy guidance to national and international actors who are involved in directing and funding health responses in situations of forced displacement. It identifies optimal approaches that respond to the health needs of displaced populations, while also strengthening health systems for the host populations.  

Read the report:



Read the country reports:

Read the knowledge briefs:  

  •  I
  •  I
  •  I

Watch the event:


Social Protection


To address the longer duration and urbanization of displacement situations, there is a growing interest in linking humanitarian assistance to national social protection systems that meet the needs of those displaced and build capacity to support national programs.  

This research aims to better understand how social protection systems and humanitarian systems can work together to meet the needs of displaced populations¡ªincluding vulnerable households in host communities ¡ªand how these systems can improve social cohesion between these two groups.? 

Read our report:

Three country reports:


Four thematic papers:

Four toolkits:

Literature review:

Analytical framework:

Media outputs:

Dissemination events:

  • Greece dissemination event in May 2022: ""
  • Colombia dissemination event in June 2022: 
  • Cameroon event for FCDO (webinar) in July 2022 (closed door, no recording)
  • Presentation at the informal hangouts for the Online Community for Social Protection in Crisis Contexts, 5 October 2022 (public, but no recording available)



Further planned dissemination:

  • Humanitarian Policy Group themed newsletter on the project ¨C January 2023




This research theme focuses on the implementation, impact, costs, and cost-effectiveness of education interventions for forcibly displaced populations and host communities, as well as what programs and policies are needed to provide inclusive and quality education for forcibly displaced populations. 

Findings of the education global study were presented on September 29 in Geneva at a workshop titled ¡®Evidence in Action¡¯, jointly organized by the UNHCR, the JDC and the Building the Evidence Program. The presentation was featured in the workshop session titled ¡®Learning and doing: Institutionalizing recent findings on education for refugees¡¯.

Read our reports:

Case Studies:

  • Case Study from Pakistan






With an increase in the duration of displacement, a policy shift is underway from focusing on humanitarian aid to development funding to include livelihood and jobs oriented funding. This approach focuses on long-term, positive socioeconomic impacts for both displaced and host communities. It emphasizes self-reliance for refugees and realizing their own ambitions. This research examines the cost effectiveness of proposed livelihood and jobs interventions in a displacement context and the high-level advocacy and policy or legal changes required to make refugees self-reliant.   

Read our reports:

  • Impacts of Forced Displacement on Labor Markets in Host Communities, including a comparative case study of Colombia, Ethiopia, Jordan, and Uganda (forthcoming)

Explore our novel database:

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