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Finance for Development (F4D)

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A strong focus on results is at the core of F4D¡¯s program delivery. A well-functioning monitoring and evaluation system not only serves as an accountability and transparency mechanism, but, most importantly, supports learning and evidence-based decision making.

F4D developed a rigorous Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework which articulates the program¡¯s results-based management approach. The Theory of Change, Results Framework, and Evaluation and Learning Plan are used as tools for accountability, effective communication, strategic decision-making, and learning. In its results measurement approach, F4D particularly emphasizes the importance of outcomes, reflecting the advantage of pooling funds together to deliver results at scale as envisioned by the Umbrella concept.


Theory of Change

Theory of Change is the foundation of F4D¡¯s M&E framework. It explains what development outcomes or impact F4D aims to contribute to; what does it take to realize these outcomes; and what activities will be funded.




Results Framework

F4D reports results using a three-tier approach. F4D¡¯s Results Framework serves as a key management tool to monitor the progress and report on the results expected, as presented in F4D¡¯s Theory of Change.



Knoweldge and Learning Framework

Systematically drawing on lessons learned, capturing best practices, disseminating findings, and feeding the knowledge into grant design and implementation help amplify F4D¡¯s impact. Leveraging the M&E framework, the Knowledge and Learning program includes evaluations, assessments, and surveys to generate evidence of results and enhance the value add of F4D in contributing to the overall financial sector reform agenda.   The framework serves as an additional mechanism to inform the decision-making to prioritize thematic areas, funding, and future programming of F4D. Data and insights generated are turned into practical insights and shared among practitioners and the Development Partners to scale up successful cases, learn from failure, promote accountability, and ultimately maximize development outcomes.  




  • Program Manager
    Elena Babkova