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Governance & Institutions Umbrella Program (G&I)

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Improving public sector governance is vital for Montenegro%27s EU membership

The Program supports activities in:

  • people and organization icon
  • DATA
  • Partners

Global activities focus on global public goods diagnostic and assessment tools, research and dissemination, knowledge, and learning. 

Regional activities include more specific knowledge and learning, such as peer-to-peer learning networks. 

Country activities support the implementation of diagnostics, and analytics and provide critical technical assistance to counterparts in government, in collaboration with the private sector and civil society.

Highlights of Key Activities

Activities cut across thematic areas that while diverse, are strategically focused.

  • justice

    Adequate budgeting of the judiciary is critical for the effective delivery of justice. The note  identifies major trends in judicial budgeting reforms that aim to bolster the judiciary's operational efficiency and public perception, ultimately linking adequate judicial funding to enhanced social and economic outcomes.


    Small claims courts and procedures play an important role in enhancing the efficiency and accessibility of the justice system. When well-designed, they can significantly streamline judicial processes, reduce the burden on courts, and increase access to justice for individuals and small businesses. The note presents trends in the use of such mechanisms. 


    At the country level, in Zambia we are working to strengthen justice through two components. The first is conducting assessments for both the demand side and supply side of justice, particularly looking at Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) processes and systems in Zambia. The second component involves developing a strategic roadmap for judicial sector reforms to strengthen the judicial system, its independence, autonomy, and timeliness and efficiency in delivering of its services to citizens.

  • magnifying glass

    Advancements have been made on the beneficial ownership transparency (BOT) agenda in Kenya, Malawi, and Nigeria. G&I grants have informed larger World Bank operations.


    In Kenya, a G&I funded activity helped to inform the USD 150 million World Bank Program to Strengthen Governance for Enabling Service Delivery and Public Investment ().


    In Malawi, BOT recommendations developed by a Program grant will be implemented through a USD 80 million Malawi Fiscal Governance Program for Results () over the next five years.


    And, in Nigeria, a grant supported an in-depth learning review of the recent fiscal transparency reforms under the States Fiscal Transparency, Accountability and Sustainability Program (SFTAS, ), providing recommendations on ways to deepen budget, procurement, and debt transparency. Some of the lessons from this work are already being taken up by the States Action on Business Enabling Reforms Program (SABER, ) and the Human Capital Opportunities for Prosperity and Equality Program ().

  • institutions

    The team has developed technical specifications for fully digitalizing notarial services, automating essential processes, streamlining electronic documentation, and integrating with other state systems. These efforts, along with a legal and regulatory review, ensure that the MoJ offers a faster, more efficient, and accessible notarial service.


    The proposed technical specifications and recommendations were endorsed by the MoJ, Notary Chamber, Information Systems Agency of Armenia, and other key stakeholders. Notaries and citizens support the move to digital services. While the full implementation is still in progress, the new system is expected to improve the efficiency of and accessibility to notarial services for both citizens and businesses. 

  • globe

    The (BEST-Public Sector) project, provides analytics and technical assistance to strengthen key aspects of public sector governance and institutions in Montenegro. The US$3.8 million Bank-executed activity will be implemented over a three year period.


    The project supports four priority areas:


    • Strengthening the governance of state-owned enterprises (SOEs)
    • Strengthening institutions and governance in key sectors including environment, energy, and innovation and health
    • Improving revenue collection
    • Accelerating government modernization and use of technology


    Read this to learn more.