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Indonesia Sustainable Oceans Program

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Indonesia Coral Bond Project ¨C Field Mission

February 2024

In February 2024, a project identification mission marked the commencement of the Indonesia Coral Bond initiative, focusing on National and Provincial Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Raja Ampat and Alor, and the Savu Sea. This impact bond functions as a sustainable blue finance instrument aimed at supporting strategic interventions necessary to bring the targeted MPAs up to standards aligned with global best practices. Eventually, the impact bond seeks to emulate successful blue economy bonds by enhancing MPA management effectiveness, as evaluated by the IUCN Green List of Protected Areas. Spearheaded by the World Bank, IUCN, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, the Indonesia Environment Fund and the Ministry of National Development Planning, the mission engaged MPA management units, local stakeholders, and communities to conduct baseline assessments against Green List criteria. Despite the MPAs' impressive EVIKA (i.e. Conservation Area Effectiveness Evaluation) gold status, further improvements are needed in stakeholder participation, threat mitigation, and biodiversity outcomes. Further discussions will refine project activities.

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Blue Economy Presentation at the Indonesia Development Forum

November 2023

In November 2023, Ambroise Brenier, a Senior Natural Resources Management Specialist at the World Bank, presented on the Blue Economy during the Indonesia Development Forum. This forum, hosted by the Government of Indonesia, serves as a platform for development practitioners across public, private, non-profit, and academic sectors to share innovative ideas and engage in constructive dialogue to formulate policy recommendations. Brenier's presentation, aligned with the theme of "Advancing Blue Economy Innovation and Collaboration," underscored Indonesia's promising prospects in the blue economy sector. He outlined the World Bank's initiatives to support blue economy development in Indonesia and discussed various financing mechanisms available to bolster such endeavors. (ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº presentation starts at 02:58:00).

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The ministerial decree on the establishment of the blue finance advisory committee

November 2023

The  Project (or Laut untuk Kesejahteraan/LAUTRA) seeks to enhance the sustainable management of marine protected areas and coral reef fisheries while improving access to economic opportunities for local communities in Eastern Indonesia. An important component of the project is to mobilize long-term blue financing for Marine Protected Area¡¯s (MPAs), developing sustainable coastal infrastructure with biodiversity-positive impacts, and enhancing nature friendly Micro, Small, and Medium Size Enterprises¡¯ access to finance.

With the support of PROBLUE, the World Bank ¨C in collaboration with the Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS)-ICCTF ¨C developed the Blue Finance Policy Note, which identified key enabling environment challenges and gaps impeding the development of sustainable blue financing options for Indonesia. The Blue Finance Policy Note, and the related Blue Finance Instrument Guidelines, recommended the establishment of a Blue Finance Advisory Committee to strengthen policy coordination and consider legal frameworks.

Following on this extensive work, and with the support of PROBLUE and BAPPENAS-ICCTF, the Ministerial Decree on Blue Finance Advisory Committee (BFAC/Tim Koordinasi Strategis Pendanaan Biru Berkelanjutan) was issued by the Minister of National Development Planning in November 2023. The advisory committee will serve as a stakeholder collaboration platform in strengthening the enabling environment for blue financing, involving the Ministry of National Development Planning, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment, the Financial Service Authority, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries and the Bank of Indonesia. With the issuance of the decree, the Blue Finance Advisory Committee will be working on its work plan and priority actions for addressing the blue economy development financing gap in Indonesia.  

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Field mission of the Oceans for Prosperity Project/LAUTRA

November 2023

In November 2023, a pivotal Implementation Support Mission for the Oceans for Prosperity (LAUTRA) project unfolded in the Savu Sea National Marine Protected Area (MPA), Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. Orchestrated with the collaborative efforts of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF), the Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) and the World Bank, in-depth discussions took place with the National MPA management unit, local stakeholders and communities. These discussions aim to assess the progress of MPA¡¯s effectiveness and the readiness of surrounding villages in embarking on sustainable livelihood initiatives, especially in the tourism, fishery, and aquaculture sectors. Despite showing high effectiveness in MPA management (as shown in the gold status of the Protected Area Effectiveness Evaluation (EVIKA)), the Savu Sea National MPA still faced substantial challenges. These include insufficient monitoring resources and lack of stakeholders¡¯ compliance in understanding MPA¡¯s boundaries. The Mission stressed the pivotal role of collaboration ¨C particularly with private sectors - in systematically addressing challenges, fostering a collective commitment to the sustainable management of Savu Sea National MPA, and advancing long-term conservation efforts in the area.

Indonesia fisheries report launch

Report launch: The Impact of Climate Change on Indonesia¡¯s Fisheries and Coastal Communities

September 26, 2023

The launch of the report was organized on September 26, 2023 in Jakarta, bringing together key stakeholders from the government officials, CSOs, development partners, academics and private sectors. On top of the presentation of the report, the Director General of Marine Spatial Planning of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries delivered a keynote speech on Indonesia¡¯s blue economy strategy, followed by a talkshow discussing policies and best practices around climate resilience in the marine and fisheries sector. and watch the event .

Inodnesia AIS forum

The Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) Forum: Blue Business Summit on Conservation and Biodiversity

Taking the momentum of the Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) Forum 1st High Level Meeting, the World Bank co-hosted the AIS Blue Business Summit on Conservation and Biodiversity ¡°From Marine Protected Areas to Innovative Financing: Solutions to Long-term Sustainable Management of Oceans Resources¡± on October 11, 2023 at Nusa Dua, Bali. The event brought together speakers from the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Konservasi Indonesia and the World Bank to discuss policies and strategies (from Marine Protected Areas to innovative financing) in preserving and restoring marine ecosystems and the role of conserving marine ecosystems on countries¡¯ prosperity. Download the presentation materials


Oceans for Prosperity (Laut untuk Kesejahteraan/ LAUTRA)

March 2023

ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº¡¯s Board of Executive Directors approved a US$210 million project to support the Government of Indonesia to enhance the management of natural marine resources and improve the livelihoods of coastal communities. The Oceans for Prosperity Project will strengthen coastal resilience by improving the management of marine protected areas (MPAs) and priority reef fisheries and by enhancing economic opportunities  for  coastal communities living in and around selected MPAs. The project will strengthen the management of coral reefs and associated ecosystems, contribute to reducing poverty in coastal regions, and build government capacity to mobilize blue financing to address critical longterm financing gaps for effective management of MPAs and improving coastal livelihoods. Read the press release here.

road to g20

Road to G20: Beating Plastic Pollution from Source to Sea

Achieving a decrease in plastic pollution by 70% by 2025 and a full ban on certain single-use plastics in 2030 is a priority for Indonesia. To achieve such an ambitious goal, contributions from multiple stakeholders and a clear policy framework will be needed. In an effort to accelerate action towards a plastic pollution-free Indonesia, the Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment and the Indonesian National Plastic Action Partnership (NPAP), with the World Bank as a knowledge partner, organized a two-day event in Bali called ¡°Beating Plastic Pollution from Source to Sea¡±. The event featured policy dialogue, start-up pitches, and community pledges. Andre Aquino, Program Leader for Sustainable Development at the World Bank, highlighted four concrete ways to accelerate the achievement of the government¡¯s target: 1. Reduce, redesign, reuse, and recycle plastic from land-based sources; 2. Improve waste management to reduce leakage; 3. Reduce the leakage of plastic fishing gear into the sea, and 4. enhance monitoring of plastic waste in major rivers and ecosystems

For a full analysis and detailed policy recommendations, see the recently released NPAP report .

Seaweed Indonesia

Sustainable Seaweed and Coastal Fisheries Initiative takes Center Stage in Impact Investment Forum

Seaweed has changed the life of coastal communities in Indonesia for its high value, quick turnover, and for its ability to capture carbon and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Seaweed also plays an important role in empowering the livelihood of coastal communities, as seen from one business case at PT Rote Karaginan Nusantara (RKN) in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. RKN is able to close the loop in seaweed production by extracting edible ink from seaweed and drying it to harvest seaweed chips. The Coastal Fisheries Initiative Indonesia Challenge Fund (CFI-ICF) of the World Bank supports PT Rote Karaginan Nusantara (and four other business cases) in their efforts to attract more impact investors and gain technical assistance on best practices for sustainable businesses. In November, the Seaweed Investment Forum and Festival hosted an event that featured CFI-ICF¡¯s work¡ªshowcasing the business cases involved and detailing the barriers and opportunities of private sector investment in the marine and fisheries industry.

Indonesia is gearing up for a steady transition towards a full plastic ban on certain single-use plastics by 2030. The National Plastic Action Partnership (NPAP) in Indonesia is leading this effort to ensure the appropriate policies are set in place for all stakeholders involved through the newly launched NPAP Policy Roadmap. The roadmap was recently launched in October in an event involving the government, international organizations, NGOs, start-ups, and academia. World Bank Senior Environmental Specialist, Katelijn Van den Berg, highlighted the importance of enacting plastic reduction policies before anything else, such as introducing financial incentives for businesses that promote alternatives to plastic. Rofi Alhanif, Director for Waste Management at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, is hopeful for a future where this policy roadmap strengthens and accelerates the trajectory toward the ban in 2030.

indonesia blue finance

Launching of the Blue Finance Instrument Development Guideline

On November 1, 2022, the Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas) together with the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment and the Ministry of Finance launched the ¡°Blue Finance Instrument Development Guidelines¡± to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially the Goals 14: Ocean Ecosystems and Goal 13: Addressing Climate Change, through blue sector initiatives supported by sustainable blue finance. The Blue Finance Instrument Development Guidelines, developed with the support of the World Bank, provide a national guide for the preparation of blue funding instruments to finance sustainable blue economy activities, and will complement existing documents, such as the SDGs Government Security Framework. During the event, Mr. Suharso Monoarfa, the Minister for National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas, said that the Blue Finance Instrument Development Guideline will unlock new opportunities for financing marine-based activities and programs, which otherwise cannot be funded by state budget (APBN) alone. The Minister concluded that "¡­through the blue funding guidelines, various innovative funding instruments will be developed such as bonds/sukuk, trust funds, blended financing, and others".


Following up to the Minister¡¯s remark, the World Bank Country Director for Indonesia and Timor Leste, Satu Kahkonen, congratulated Bappenas on the development of the Blue Finance Instrument Development Guidelines and expressed the support of the World Bank for the development of sustainable financing mechanisms for the blue economy. She encouraged the development of both sovereign and non-sovereign financing instrument, building on experiences such as the World Bank Rhino Bond and others.

Artificial Intelligence and Drone Technology to scale up trash types and waste volumes identification in Java

Artificial Intelligence and drone technology to scale up trash types and waste volumes identification in Java

May 2022

Indonesia is one of the largest producers of plastic waste in the world. But, with recent collaborations between academia and the development community, innovations to turn the tide against plastic waste are expected to see improvements in waste identification across Indonesia¡¯s rivers. In a workshop between The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and PT LAPI ITB from the Bandung Institute of Technology, researchers and field engineers come together to uncover how artificial intelligence and drone technology can help to identify trash types and waste volume in each area. The data collected from this solution can help trace the waste's origins, which in turn will shape future regulations on plastic policies and stricter waste management. Mattis Wolf from the DFKI expressed his excitement to see more sample locations for this technology to be implemented in Indonesia, with five river mouths ongoing in Java and more to be set up on the island of Bali within the next month. It is the aim of the Government of Indonesia to scale up this technology to support the target of reducing marine plastic debris by 70% by 2025.

Indonesia Coral Reef

COREMAP-Coral Triangle Initiative ¨C small grants program

The government of Indonesia's Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program (COREMAP), financed by the World Bank and the Global Environment Facility, has been gradually but significantly building such science and management capacity over a period of 23 years.


As part of its third phase, known as the COREMAP-Coral Triangle Initiative (COREMAP-CTI), the project launched a series of small grants in 2020 to support nationally-significant marine protected areas in Raja Ampat and Savu Sea. Now completed, these small grants have supported initiatives such as small infrastructure for ecotourism, community surveillance against illegal fishing, and the implementation of national plans of action for threatened species. On March 24, 2022, the National Development Planning Ministry (BAPPENAS), through the Indonesia Climate Change Fund Trust (ICCFT), organized a workshop, in Sorong, West Papua, to disseminate the successes and lessons learned from the small grants program. The program has contributed to the conservation and restoration of critical coastal habitats in Raja Ampat and Savu Sea, coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrasses, and to advance the effective management of marine protected areas. Community-based management has been the core of the program. Capacity building programs were delivered to local communities in three marine protected areas in Raja Ampat and in the largest marine protected area of Indonesia, the Savu Sea, in East Nusa Tenggara. Activities included the support to community-based ecotourism programs such as the development of small-scale infrastructure (e.g., ecotourism information center and solar power plant in Savu Sea Marine National Park; ecotourism information center and marine wildlife spotting stations in Raja Ampat Marine Sanctuary), development of business plans, vocational training for ecotourism guides, and conducting feasibility assessments for the development of sustainable community-based marine wildlife tourism. The program also supported coastal ecosystems rehabilitation activities, the promotion of right based fisheries management approach for small-scale fisheries, and the support to community-based surveillance activities.  


The Ministry of National Development Planning Director for Oceans and Fisheries Sri Yanti JS stated that the program is a good example of environmental protection while increasing communities¡¯ livelihoods, in line with the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan. Further, Sri Yanti emphasized that strong commitment from stakeholders is needed to maintain the existing infrastructures and to ensure that communities receive long-term benefits from the effective management of marine protected areas. 

Marine Debries  Indonesia

Workshop on marine debris management and mangrove clean-up action

To support the success of the G20 Presidential high-level conference to be held in November 2022, the Government of Indonesia has made various efforts to ensure a proper waste management in Bali. These include improving waste management in Denpasar, Badung, Gianyar, and Tabanan (Sarbagita). The government also plans to build Integrated Waste Management Facilities (TPST) and Waste Management Facilities ¨C Reduce Reuse Recycle (TPS3R) in Denpasar to reduce waste generation in Suwung landfills (Tempat Pembuangan Akhir), and collaborating on clean-up activities with local stakeholders and communities.


On March 24-25, 2022, the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment, together with the National Secretariat of Marine Debris Management and supported by the World Bank through the Indonesia Oceans, Marine Debris and Coastal Resource Multi-Donor Trust Fund, organized a Workshop on Marine Debris Management and Mangrove Clean-Up Action in Bali Province. This workshop aimed to strengthen coordination between the Central Government, Bali Regional Government and the surrounding provinces, private sectors, waste management and local communities tackling marine debris. Participants kicked off the workshop by conducting clean-up activities on the beach and mangroves planting on the first day, followed by presentations and discussions on marine debris challenges by the Head of the Badung Regency Environmental Agency as well as scientific perspective and modelling result of the marine debris movement in Bali Sea by I Gede Hendrawan from Udayana University and Rinny Rahmania from the Ministry for Marine Affairs and Fisheries. Gery Benchegib, the founder of Sungai Watch, presented the role of the community and how Sungai Watch deployed trash barriers in some rivers in Bali to prevent leakage to the sea. In the discussion session, the workshop's participants talked about their actions on waste management and the challenges they faced. The results of this workshop are expected to be a reference for follow-up action plans for better waste management in Bali.

Indonesia Ocean Action Plan

The Government of Indonesia releases the second Indonesian Ocean Policy Action Plan (2021-2025)

Diverse stakeholders are engaged in marine and coastal management processes in Indonesia. Implementing ocean-related policies in this area requires actions by multiple levels of government and ministries/agencies. ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº continues to support the Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment (CMMAI) through the Indonesia Oceans, Marine Debris and Coastal Resource Multi-Donor Trust Fund (Oceans MDTF) program in strengthening coordination to inform strategies and plans to sustainably manage Indonesia¡¯s oceans. 


As part of addressing challenges in multi-sectoral coordination, the government of Indonesia developed the Indonesian Ocean Policy (Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia, or KKI), a regulatory instrument for formulating and implementing policies related to oceans across government bodies. It elaborates on the mid-term national development plan by providing finer resolution ocean development objectives along with a national action plan and key performance indicators. 

Through the Oceans MDTF, the World Bank channelled financial contributions from development partners into technical assistance, including supporting the two-year action planning processes led by the CMMAI involving 44 government bodies. On the 22nd of February 2022, the government of Indonesia issued the second Indonesian Ocean Policy Action Plan (Rencana Aksi Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia) 2021-2025 under a Presidential Regulation. The plan functions as guidance for national government bodies, including the local government, to plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate ocean-related development sectors and activities. 


The second Indonesian Ocean Policy Action Plan covers seven pillars of activities, which are:  Management of Marine Resources and the Development of Human Resources; Defense, Security, Law Enforcement and Safety at Sea; Ocean Governance and Institution; Economic and Infrastructure of Marine Sector and Prosperity Enhancement; Management of the Ocean Space and Protection of Marine Environment; Maritime Culture; and Maritime Diplomacy. The action plan consists of 374 multi-sector activities under 52 programs, implemented by 40 ministries/agencies until 2025, collaborating with various public and private stakeholders at national and sub-national levels. 


Opening the Doors for Investments in Sustainable Marine and Fisheries Businesses in Indonesia

December 2021

Under the World Bank Indonesia Sustainable Oceans Program (ISOP), the Coastal Fisheries Initiative-Challenge Fund (CFI-CF) continues to support the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) in opening opportunities for increased investment in the sustainable marine and fisheries sector in Indonesia. As part of this project, technical assistance is provided to businesses to support the development of a pipeline of responsible fishery investments in Indonesia. On December 7th, 2021, in collaboration with Planet Partnerships, one of the six businesses supported by CFI-CF, Mina Bahari 45 (MB 45), pitched their business case for the first time in the Indonesia Investment Promotion Forum ¡°Investment Acceleration for Marine and Fisheries Businesses¡±. The pitch promotes a clear trajectory for the business that was well received by investment experts during the event. This occasion further highlights the importance of shared knowledge, collaboration, and business support from both public and private stakeholders in accelerating investment for a sustainable and blue economy in Indonesia. 


East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Governor Regulations on MPA Partnerships

October 2021

ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº is committed to continue supporting the Government of Indonesia to inform policies to accelerate a blue economy by managing oceans resources sustainably. Through the Oceans Multi-Donor Trust Fund, the World Bank aims to strengthen the effectiveness of the Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Well managed MPAs provide many ecological, social and economic benefits, such as conserving biodiversity, rebuilding fish stocks and enhancing resilience of coastal communities. The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries aims to have 20 million hectares of MPAs effectively managed by 2024.


Indonesia has established more than 196 MPAs, which are predominantly managed at the provincial level. Yet provincial governments have significant gaps in human resources and financial capacity to successfully manage these MPAs. Building on the analytics and policy gaps on sustainable financing mechanisms for MPAs, the World Bank has been supporting the government of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) to develop partnership and sustainable financing mechanism, with Alor MPA as a pilot. This is crucial to strengthen the effectiveness and provide a steady source of long-term financing for the MPA management.  


The collaboration between the World Bank and the government of NTT have resulted in the issuance of a Governor Regulations on MPAs Collaborative Partnerships and Institutions. This regulation serves as a legal standing to allow collaborative management and partnerships for MPAs, including private sector investment. Collaborative management of MPAs, that engage stakeholders in the management and governance of MPAs, is a successful strategy to enhance MPA management effectiveness. This regulation also becomes the first provincial-level regulation in Indonesia that specifically arranges the operationalization of collaborative approach to achieve a highly effective MPA management. 


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Accelerating Indonesian fisheries start-ups: Outreach to Angel Investors

October 2021

Fisheries start-ups play critical role in Indonesia¡¯s fisheries sector by providing market access and new sources of finance, mostly to small-scale fishers and farmers. These startups have helped many small-scale fishers (coastal or inland) to obtain higher income, higher bargaining power in markets, improved business capacity, and directly or indirectly promoted social goals such as poverty reduction and closing the gender gap. Many start-ups also recognize, and are responding to, market demand for sustainability and traceability.


As part of the Coastal Fisheries Initiative ¨C Indonesia Challenge Fund (CFI-CF) project, the World Bank continues the collaboration with Digifish (Indonesian marine and fisheries startups platform) by hosting a networking event between startups, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF), and the Angel Investors Network (Angin). This event aims to showcase nine budding marine and fisheries startups looking for seed investors who will help them pass the first hurdles of their journey. Key takeaways from the event include:

The marine and fisheries sector is a dynamic sector with very active startups. While some startups have secured investment, some still need support from seed or angel investors. The 5-minute pitch from the nine startups were promising and has the potential to solve problems including sustainability issues in environment and social context.

Angin presented information about the ins and outs of angel investors, and more importantly how these budding startups can win investment from these angel investors

The MMAF presented some measures and support to help businesses in the sector thrive, including tax allowance and new startups initiatives. The MMAF also encouraged a synergy among the business sector, investor, and the government. 

Considering MMAF¡¯s remarks that technology startups can help link micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to the market or supply chain (e.g. MSMEs can be the startups' partners in supplying or processing materials), a follow-up event that connects the MSMEs with startups is being considered.


Carbon Outlook (CO2) Knowledge Exchange Series

September 2021

ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº is committed to continue supporting the Government of Indonesia¡¯s agenda, including in its efforts to implement Carbon Pricing Instruments (CPI). Together with the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (CMMAI), the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs (CMEA), and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF), the World Bank are hosting the Carbon Outlook (CO2) Knowledge Exchange Series that aims to discuss relevant knowledge on the concepts and implementation of CPI and best practices from other countries. While the first session focuses on the Introduction, the next session will deep dive into each Instrument available and effective implementation into the national strategy.


Presentations are here


Report Launch - Oceans for Prosperity: Reforms for a Blue Economy in Indonesia

25 March 2021

ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº Indonesia on March 25 hosted the launch of the Oceans for Prosperity report, highlighting policy recommendations to support Indonesia's transition to a blue economy - These include ensuring a sustainable fisheries future; realizing Indonesia's tourism potential; sustainably managing coastal and marine resources; and overcoming the scourge of marine plastics. Watch the recording here


A Look into the Oceans for Prosperity Report: Reforms for a Blue Economy in Indonesia

27 January 2021

Ensuring a smooth and sustainable transition to a Blue or Oceans Economy is a key priority for the Government of Indonesia. ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº is proud to support this transition by providing a set of policy recommendations surrounding coastal management, sustainable fisheries, marine and coastal tourism, and marine plastics in the "Oceans for Prosperity" report. The policy recommendations also highlight the importance of building back better and bluer as part of the country's COVID-19 recovery plan. The authors of this report gave an insider look during the Environment, Natural Resources, and Blue Economy Weekly Wednesday Webinar on January 27th. Deputy Minister for Maritime and Natural Resources at BAPPENAS, Arifin Rudiyanto was also present to give insight on Indonesia's policy direction for the development of Indonesia's maritime, marine, and fisheries sectors. The completed report will soon be disseminated externally in the coming months. 

15 December 2020

In this 3rd edition of Digifish, this event will discuss the policy directions in the field of fisheries innovation, the development progress and impact of startups and presenting the farmers / fishermen who have taken advantage of digital innovation. The aim is none other than to continue accelerating the impact of innovation ecosystem.

21 September 2020

Indonesia is among the biggest contributors to marine plastic pollution. In response to this emergency, the Indonesian government is engaging a range of actions to tackle a scourge that has disastrous consequences for the environment, public health and the economy. Its national marine pollution plan aims to reduce plastic waste by 70% between now and 2025. To this end, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (in Indonesian, KKP) has turned to CLS, a subsidiary of Centre National d¡¯Etudes Spatiales (CNES) and Compagnie Nationale ¨¤ Portefeuille (CNP), and to the IRD development research institute to get a clearer picture of where this waste is going in Indonesia¡¯s maritime territories. The programme is being supported by the French development agency AFD and the World Bank. Its objective is to gain new insight into how marine plastic and other waste from rivers and large cities drifts, accumulates and is washed ashore in order to prioritize and optimize collection at sea and on land.


COREMAP-CTI Launches its Third and Final Phase with Six New Projects funded by the World Bank

17 August 2020

After months of deliberation, the Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program¨CCoral Reef Initiative (COREMAP¨CCTI) is pleased to announce the chosen projects from COREMAP-CTI¡¯s Call for Proposals. The six chosen projects will focus on: Sustainable Community use of Marine Protected Areas in Raja Ampat; Sustainable Community Use of Marine Protected Areas in Sawu Sea; Developing a National Action Plan for Threatened Species; Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Implementation in Papua Barat Province; Community Surveillance Group Support (POKMASWAS); and Community Fisheries Access Management. The chosen projects have been awarded grants between IDR 8,671,000,000 and IDR 19,492,350,000 to be awarded until the end of 2022.


Oceans for Prosperity Program determined to reform Indonesia¡¯s Ocean Economy

2 June 2020

Indonesia¡¯s ocean resources contribute over US$280 billion of economic activities annually, or more than a quarter of GDP. However, inadequate management and resulting degradation of these fisheries and coastal resources threatens their economic and ecological value, including livelihoods of Indonesia's coastal communities who are dependent on them. The Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries and Ministry of National Development Planning is determined to develop and make the country¡¯s ocean economy more sustainable. ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº supports this vision by establishing the Oceans for Prosperity (Lautan Sejahtera, or LAUTRA) program which contributes to addressing key government priorities, including the development of Indonesia¡¯s ocean economy that has been a longstanding priority since 2014. The program will also contribute to Indonesia¡¯s mid-term development plan (RPJMN 2020¨C2024). The LAUTRA program will improve management of fisheries and coastal ecosystems and livelihoods of coastal communities through integrated investment and policy changes, with the initial phase focusing on Eastern Indonesia.


Government of Indonesia releases Behavior Change Communication Playbooks to tackle Marine Plastic Debris

5 May 2020

The Government of Indonesia (GOI) is determined to tackle the ongoing issue of marine debris that continues to pollute its waters. The GOI¡¯s Plan of Action on Marine Plastic Debris finds that the country has until 2025 to reduce the debris by 70 percent. A key component to this plan is improving behavioral change of the population in reducing usage of plastic. To implement this component, the Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment, with support from the World Bank, has released a set of four  to empower local communities and youth across the country to kickstart their own initiatives, events, and campaigns on plastic usage. The aim is to host these playbooks on an online knowledge platform that will act as a one-stop-shop for the GOI¡¯s Clean Indonesia Movement efforts (Gerakan Indonesia Bersih)¡ªa nationwide campaign for a cleaner and healthier environment across Indonesia.


Oceans Multi Donor Trust Fund Highlights Milestones and Ways Forward

30 March 2020

The Government of Indonesia (GOI) through the Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment (CMMAI) has demonstrated significant progress and great potential in furthering the country¡¯s National Oceans Agenda. Members from the CMMAI, Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF), Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF), Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas), Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), development partners (Norway and Denmark), and the World Bank participated in the recent Steering Committee (SC) Meeting of the World Bank managed Oceans-Multi Donor Trust Fund (Oceans-MDTF) on June 2nd, 2020. The GOI¡¯s achievements in the past fiscal year were highlighted, including an increase in analytical efforts on Indonesia¡¯s Ocean Policy; release of four behavioural change communication playbooks to improve behaviour towards single use plastic; and ongoing technical support to enhance coastal resilience and marine resources. The Oceans-MDTF work plan and strategic implementation for the upcoming fiscal year was endorsed by SC members and expected to deepen knowledge on the oceans agenda, increase awareness of trust fund activities through further communication and stakeholder 


PROBLUE Trust Fund supports Indonesia¡¯s Goal towards a Blue Economy

30 March 2020

Indonesia has the ambitious goal of reforming its oceans economy and fisheries sector to become more sustainable. ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº continues to support this goal through the PROBLUE Trust Fund that recently approved grant funding worth US$775,000 for analytical work that will support preparation of the Lautan Sejahtera¡ªLAUTRA (Oceans for Prosperity) program¡ªa GOI and World Bank investment focusing on fisheries management, coastal livelihoods, and ecosystems management improvements across Eastern Indonesia. PROBLUE, a multi-donor Trust Fund that supports the development of integrated, sustainable and healthy marine and coastal resources worldwide, will assist the Bank and Indonesian Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries to determine practical plans to achieve LAUTRA¡¯s objectives. The PROBLUE-supported studies will advise on operationalization of Indonesia¡¯s Fisheries Management Areas (WPP) system, systems for social support and economic development in coastal areas, impacts of climate change on Indonesia¡¯s fisheries and coastal communities, and advancement of financing mechanisms for oceans-related investments, among others. The funding decision represents strong support for Indonesia¡¯s vision of a sustainable ocean economy and confidence in LAUTRA as a pathway towards this vision.

Indonesia¡¯s Sustainable Oceans Program (ISOP) is supporting Indonesia¡¯s transition to a blue economy by increasing the economic, social, and environmental benefits derived from healthy coastal and marine ecosystems.