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Long-Term Finance Barometer

is the third round of the Financial Development Barometer, a global informal poll of opinions and attitudes among financial sector professionals. The poll, organized by World Bank Group staff, aims to help identify sentiments, trends, and important policy issues relating to financial sector development. It is a part of a broader effort related to the Global Financial Development Report, a new regular report of the World Bank Group (www.worldbank.org/financialdevelopment). from the first round of the Financial Development Barometer, and main conclusions from this round.

retains general questions on opinions and attitudes relating to financial sector development, which were asked in the first and second round of the Financial Development Barometer. In addition, it asks questions on long-term finance, which is a featured topic of the 2015/2016 Global Financial Development Report.

The survey asks about views and opinions; there are no right or wrong responses. Individual responses will be treated in strict confidence, and will not be shared with third parties.

The estimated time for completing the questionnaire is approximately 15 minutes. If you have any questions relating to the questionnaire, please send an email to GFDR2015@worldbank.org.