Global Financial Development Database (GFDD)
The Global Financial Development Database is an extensive dataset of financial system characteristics for 203 economies. It contains annual data, starting from 1960. It has been last updated in September 2015 and contains data through 2013 for 109 indicators, capturing various aspects of financial institutions and markets.
The Global Financial Development Database is based on a ¡°4x2 framework¡±. Specifically, it includes measures of (1) depth, (2) access, (3) efficiency, and (4) stability of financial systems. Each of these characteristics captures both (1) financial institutions (banks, insurance companies, and so on), and (2) financial markets (such as stock markets and bond markets). It also provides other useful indicators, such as measures of concentration and competition in the banking sector. The database builds on, updates, and extends previous efforts, in particular the data collected for the Database on Financial Development and Structure.
For more on the Global Financial Development Database, the 4x2 framework, and the underlying theoretical and empirical literature, see chapter 1 of the 2013 Global Financial Development Report, and also Cih¨¢k, Martin, Asli Demirg¨¹?-Kunt, Erik Feyen, and Ross Levine. 2012. ¡°¡± Policy Research Working Paper 6175, World Bank, Washington, DC. (A version of the paper appeared in Journal of Financial Perspectives.)
Latest Version of the Dataset
June 2017: The Global Financial Development Database has been updated with latest information, up to 2015.
September 2015: Relative to its November 2013 version, the September 2015 version of the GFDD adds 4 new indicators. In line with the theme on long-term finance of the 2015/2016 Global Financial Development Report, these newly introduced indicators provides country-level information on the volume and average maturity of new syndicated loan and corporate bond issuances. The recent version also improves the quality of the database by fixing errors in the calculation procedures, checking some series for irregularities, and employing the latest available data from Bankscope, Bank for International Settlements, IMF¡¯s International Financial Statistics and Financial Soundness Indicators Database. The database was updated by Thierry Tressel, Nan Zhou and Jeanne Verrier, with contributions from Erik Feyen and Subika Farazi.
| | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 |
Older Versions of the Dataset