Chapter 1. Introduction to The Government Analytics Handbook
Daniel Rogger and Christian Schuster
Government analytics involves collecting, analyzing, and utilizing data to enhance the administration of government, enabling a realistic view of how government functions in practice. By providing an evidence-based platform for action, it highlights areas in need of improvement, and those that can be emulated. Whether repurposing existing government records or developing new measures, analytics can shed light on stark contrasts in how government operates, from prices paid for the same goods to the qualities of individual managers as perceived by their staff. Addressing these disparities can result in significant savings and improved working conditions for staff. In today's economy and society, where digitization and data analysis dominate other fields, government analytics has the potential to revolutionize the quality of government administration. This chapter showcases what the insights outlined in the Government Analytics Handbook mean for officials, managers, agency heads, and government leaders. While the public service presents unique challenges and requires a distinctive framework for measurement and analysis, the potential benefits are immense. With the aid of analytics, government organizations can improve their efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability, delivering better services to the public. Investments in measurement, data, and analytics have already revolutionized productivity in other sectors. It is time to turn the lens on public administration and revolutionize government.