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  • ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº
    Anna Dravniece
    Senior Advisor to the Executive Director
    Nationality: Latvia

    Middle East and North African Countries and Afghanistan. Evolving WB, WB Finances, Risk Management, Internal Controls, Institutional Integrity (GIA, INT), Domestic Resource Mobilization, Intermediate Jurisdictions, Illicit Financial Flows, Governance and Institutions, Anti-Corruption and Legal Matters including ICSID. AC and CODE (DOR).

  • Mikko Sihvola Nordic Baltic ED Office
    Mikko Sihvola
    Advisor to Executive Director
    Nationality: Finland

    South Asian Countries. Knowledge and Learning, WDR, Accountability Mechanisms (CAO and IPN), Infrastructure, Urban Development and Transport, Trust Fund Policies, HRDTF and Human Rights, Data and Statistics and Trade and Competitiveness. CODE (IPN/CAO).

  • EDS20 Website Photo
    Ignas Rakauskas
    Advisor to the Executive Director
    Nationality: Lithuania

    European and Central Asian Countries. IFC 3.0 Strategy, IFC Policies, Development Impact, additionality and portfolio approach, Advisory Services and Platforms, Business Ready (B-Ready), Private Capital Mobilization, Strategic Budgeting Processes for IBRD/IDA and IFC, Strategy and Business Outlook (SBO) and Income allocation. BC (IBRD/IDA & IFC).

  • ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº
    Pille Pruunsild
    Advisor to the Executive Director
    Nationality: Estonia

    Latin American and the Caribbean Countries, MIGA, One-WBG guarantees approach, Debt distress, Global macroeconomic prospects and financial markets, Digitalization and Technology, Small States (AOSIS), BC (MIGA).

  • MartinHolmbergSwedenEDS20
    Martin Holmberg
    Advisor to the Executive Director
    Nationality: Sweden

    African (Anglophone) Countries. IDA21, FCV Countries including Strategy, Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus, Development Outcome Framework and Scorecard, Independent Evaluation Group and Maximizing Finance for Development. CODE (IEG).

  • EDS20
    Laura Nielsen
    Advisor to the Executive Director
    Nationality: Denmark

    African (Francophone & Lusophone) Countries. Evolving WB, Co-Leads Climate Change and Energy, Gender Equality including SRHR & SOGI, Human Development including, Education, Health, Jobs and Social Contracts and Protection, Migration and Refugees. COGAM, HR and Ethics Committee.

  • Image
    P¨¦tur Sk¨²lason Waldorff
    Advisor to the Executive Director
    Nationality: Iceland

  • Aasmund Joedahl Bank Photo
    Aasmund Joedahl
    Research Assistant
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    Anneli Rohtla
    Program Assistant