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Indonesia Economic Quarterly Reports (IEQ)

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December 2019 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Investing in People
Report page | Press release | 

Membangun Manusia
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  • Investing in People: Social Protection for Indonesia¡¯s 2045 Vision (Page 34) [] []


  • An economic analysis of the 2019 forest and land fires and haze (Page 7)
  • Commodity prices continued declining in Q3 (Page 15)
  • State Budget 2020 ¨C Government sets optimistic growth targets for revenue and expenditure amidst global slowdown (Page 29)
  • Reducing plastic bag pollution in Indonesia(Page 31)
  • Higher tobacco taxation in Indonesia (Page 56)




June 2019 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Ocean of Opportunity
Report page | Press release |  | 

Lautan Peluang
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  • Oceans of opportunity: reforms for a sustainable blue economy in Indonesia (Page 36) [] []


  • After a challenging 2018, the global economy showed further weakening this year (Page 7) [] []
  • Government policies on managing imports  (Page 9) [] []



December 2018 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Strengthening competitiveness
Report page | Press release | 

Memperkuat daya saing
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  • Boosting export and investments in indonesia: an agenda for reform (Page 28)


  • Global economic conditions softened in Q3   (Page 6)
  • A tale of two groups of commodities  (Page 10)


September 2018 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Urbanization for all
Report page | Press release | 

Urbanisasi untuk Semua
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  • Making urbanization work for all Indonesians (Page 35)


  • Favorable global economic conditions: have they disappeared? (Page 6)
  • Global Commodity Prices for Indonesia¡¯s Key Exports Moved in Different Directions (Page 9)
  • Coal exports in 2018 have not increased in line with production increases (Page 10)
  • How will trade wars affect Indonesia? (Page 15)
  • Acceleration of structural transformation and the revival of the manufacturing employment? (Page 26)
  • Indonesia¡¯s portfolio of urban places, 2016 (Page 41)
  • A broad programmatic approach for urbanization in Indonesia (Page 56)


June 2018 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Learning more, growing faster
Report page | Press release | 

Pendidikan untuk pertumbuhan

Halaman laporan | Siaran pers | 


  • Delivering quality education for indonesia (Page 26)


  • Private consumption growth in Indonesia: a cause for concern? (Page 5)
  • Alignment of Indonesia policy reform with international best practices  (Page 32)
  • KIAT Guru: Improving Teacher Performance and Accountability through Citizen Engagement and Performance-based Pay (Page 46)
  • MORA Education and Challenges (Page 49)


March 2018 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Towards inclusive growth
Report page | Press release | 

Menuju pertumbuhan inklusif
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  • Collecting More And Spending Better For Inclusive Growth(Page 34)


  • The global economy ends 2017 on a strong note (Page 2)
  • Recent changes in trade policy (Page 27)
  • Why is Indonesia¡¯s tax-to-GDP ratio so low? (Page 50)
  • Guiding principles for Indonesia¡¯s tax reforms (Page 54)
  • Excise taxes to address externalities (Page 56)

¡ü top


December 2017 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Decentralization that Delivers
Report page | Press release

Mewujudkan hasil desentralisasi

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  • Making Decentralized Democracy Deliver Local Service Improvement: The Role of the Central Government (Page 31)


  • Is private consumption recovering? (Page 8)
  • How do trends in consumption and VAT growth relate in Indonesia? (Page 21)
  • Further advancing on the fuel subsidy reform requires ¡®off balance sheet subsidies¡¯ tobe addressed (Page 25)
  • How much do oil prices influence Indonesia¡¯s fiscal revenues (Page 27)
  • Econometric model to analyze access to basic service performance (Page 36)
  • Data issues in tracking local service delivery progress (Page 38)
  • Spending Better in DKI Jakarta (Page 51)


October 2017 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Closing the Gap
Report page | Press release | 

Menutup kesenjangan
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  • Mobilizing the private sector for infrastructure development (Page 25)


  • Food price inflation during Ramadan and Idul Fitri eased this year, partly due to Government efforts (Page 9)
  • Prices for most of Indonesia¡¯s key commodities improved in recent months (Page 14)
  • Analyzing revenue targets in the 2018 Budget (Page 24)
  • Analyzing planned expenditures in the 2018 Budget (Page 25)
  • The effects of methodological changes in Sakernas (Page 28)


June 2017 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Report page | Press release

Naik peringkat
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  • The case for increasing investment in the early years (page 25)
  • What drives Foreign Direct Investment in Indonesia? (page 34)


  • Impacts of the S&P sovereign credit rating upgrade (page 10)
  • Indonesia¡¯s Tax Amnesty Program Bodes Well for Improved Tax Collection (page 21)


March 2017 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Staying the Course
Report page | Press release |  

Melanjutkan perbaikan
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  • Getting services trade policies right for Indonesia¡¯s development (page 29)
  • The new Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) program (page 38)


  • Indonesia¡¯s exposure to the United States and United Kingdom economies (page 11)
  • Services Trade Restrictiveness Index (page 33)


January 2017 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Sustaining Reform Momentum
Report page | Press release | 

Menjaga Momentum Reformasi
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  • Improving the quality of public spending in Indonesia (page 15)
  • Towards a better understanding of teaching practices and their impact on student learning outcomes in Indonesia: a video study (page 26)


  • Investment climate reforms have improved Indonesia¡¯s Ease of Doing Business (page 4)
  • Personnel politics: elections and teacher hiring in Indonesia (page 27)

¡ü top


October 2016 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Pressures Easing
Report page | Press release | 

Tekanan Mereda
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  • Accelerating tourism development (page 20)
  • Why should Indonesia reframe and reorient its food security policy (page 26)
  • Ensuring universal access to safe water and sanitation services to reduce in stunting, poverty and inequality (page 36)
  • Double for Nothing? Teacher Certification and Beyond (45)


  • What happens when the Government boosts public investment in Indonesia (page 4)
  • The Indonesia tax amnesty program  (page 15)

June 2016 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Resilience through reforms
Report page | Press release | 

Tangguh Berkat Reformasi
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  • Why are lending rates and net interest margins high in Indonesia? (page 16)
  • The price of trade protectionism in Indonesia (page 21)
  • Reviving manufacturing competitiveness (page 27)
  • Fiscal policy could better target inequality reduction (page 36)


March 2016 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Private investment is essential
Report page | Press release | 

Investasi Swasta Diperlukan
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  • Beyond the ten economic policy packages: addressing significant binding constraints (page 19)
  • Public Support for action on inequality has grown (page 24)
  • Improving the freight logistics system in Indonesia (page 28)
  • Aligning pricing, regulations and investments to support sustainable energy development (page 37)


  • Why are domestic rice prices higher than international prices ? (page 7)
  • Sub-national governments play an important role in delivering public investment (page 16)
  • A snapshot of the logistics industry in Indonesia (pages 35)
  • Indonesia¡¯s clean energy policies can yield local and global benefits (page 37)
  • Lessons in sound power sector planning from Latin America (page 41)
  • Energy efficiency ¨C the cleanest, but under-appreciated domestic resource (page 42)

¡ü top


December 2015 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Reforming amid Uncertainty
Report page | Press release | 

Reformasi di tengah ketidakpastian
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  • Indonesia¡¯s fire crisis: Who benefits and who pays (page 18)
  • Realizing the potential of the Village Law (page 26)
  • The  Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement: Opportunity or threat for Indonesia? (page 31)


  • An important and wide-ranging reform process was initiated in December (page 16)
  • Certification standards could encourage environmentally friendly production practices (page 19)
  • Peat fires have significant consequences for climate change (page 21)
  • Other costs ¨C the unknown cumulative impact of fire and haze on flora and fauna (page 24)
  • Assessing the equity of Dana Desa allocations by comparing two villages (page 28)


October 2015 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

In times of global volatility
Report page | Press release | 

Di tengah volatilitas global
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  • El Nino is expected to moderately raise domestic rice prices and inflation (page 21)
  • Implementing Indonesia¡¯s national health insurance system (page 24)


  • How important are trade and direct investment links with China? (page 10)
  • The draft 2016 Budget shows continued improvement in the composition of spending but will require significant revenue collection efforts (page 16)
  • Methodological changes in the March 2015 SUSENAS make historical comparisons difficult (page 19)
  • Summary of government housing programs (page 32)


July 2015 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Slower gains
Report page | Press release | 

Maju Perlahan
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  • Indonesia¡¯s current account ¨C deficits are here to stay (page 21)
  • Fuel subsidies ¨C a major reform, but not yet a durable one (page 26)
  • Geothermal energy in Indonesia: realizing the potential (page 31)
  • Ten years of Indonesia¡¯s school grants program (BOS) ¨C successes and challenges (page 37)


  • Indonesia¡¯s new CPO export levy may affect global CPO prices, but not necessarily positively (page 9)
  • Moving to market-based fuels pricing and raising government revenue while protecting the poor: recent examples from around the world (page 29)


March 2015 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

High expectations
Report page | Press release | 

Harapan besar
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  • Indonesia¡¯s internationally high and volatile rice price (page 25)
  • Streamlining business licensing in Indonesia (page 31)
  • The sustainable pace of GDP growth in Indonesia: a closer look (page 36)


  • Indonesia¡¯s rebased and revised GDP (page 5)
  • The end of Indonesia¡¯s export boom (page 10)
  • Fuel pricing reforms have slashed  subsidy costs but realizing the full benefits will require transparent and consistent implementation (page 19)
  • Past reform initiatives to develop a central OSS and simplify business licenses (page 35)
  • Estimating potential output growth in Indonesia (page 38)

¡ü top


December 2014 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Delivering change
Report page | Press release | 

Membawa perubahan
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  • Understanding and strengthening Indonesia¡¯s revenue performance (page 22)
  • Indonesia and the ASEAN Economic Community (page 29)
  • Universal Health Coverage by 2019?. Only with adequate health services (page 37)


  • A Financial Conditions Index for Indonesia points to a tightening Since Q3 2013  (page 12)
  • The latest increase in subsidized fuel prices is expected to yield significant fiscal savings in 2015 and beyond (page 16)
  • Minimum wage increase for 2015: relatively moderate, but still a source of labor market uncertainty (page 20)
  • A projected decline in oil and gas revenues reflects long-standing structural declines in production (page 28)


July 2014 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Hard choices
Report page | Press release | 

Pilihan sulit
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  • El Ni?o, forest fires and haze: the imperatives for concrete action (page 22)
  • New purchasing power parity-adjusted estimates of Indonesia¡¯s economy (page 29)
  • Inequality and opportunity in Indonesia (page 33)


  • Recent challenges in Indonesia¡¯s commodity export sector  (page 10)
  • Weak revenue performance has had a marked negative impact on the fiscal balance in recent years  (page 13)
  • Peat, peatland and peat fires (page 23)
  • El Ni?o and ENSO  (page 25)
  • The challenge of measuring inequality and comparing across countries (page 35)
  • Main findings from new research on risk and risk management in Indonesia (page 42)


March 2014 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Investment in flux
Report page | Press release | 

Investasi tidak menentu
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  • A closer look at Indonesia¡¯s unprocessed mineral export ban (page 19)
  • Applying a rapid risk diagnostic approach for building disaster and climate resilience in Indonesia¡¯s growing cities (page 29)
  • Indonesia: Avoiding the trap (page 35)


  • The determinants of Indonesia¡¯s import demand: investment and exports are important (page 10)
  • A Taylor Rule perspective on Indonesia¡¯s monetary policy stance (page 11)
  • Following last year¡¯s subsidized fuel price increase, more fuel subsidy reform is needed (page 16)
  • International experience in promoting downstream mineral processing (page 28)

¡ü top


December 2013 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Slower growth; high risks
Report page | Press release | 

Memperkuat daya saing
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  • A closer look at the 2014 Budget (page 23)
  • An update on poverty in Indonesia (page 28)
  • The labor market in Indonesia: recent achievements and challenges (page 32)
  • Local capacity and development in Indonesia (page 38)


  • The potential near-term impact of the proposed ban on unprocessed mineral exports on
  • Indonesia¡¯s trade balance (page 13)
  • Update on the policies to improve the investment climate in Indonesia (page 22)
  • BLSM, Susenas and measuring poverty (page 29)
  • Local Level Institutions Studies methodology (page 40)


October 2013 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Continuing adjustment
Report page | Press release | 

Penyesuaian berlanjut
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  • The Government's August policy package (page 25)
  • Enhancing connectivity through improved port performance (page 30)
  • Estimating the stock of infrastructure in Indonesia (page 36)
  • Local governance and education performance (page 44)


  • An update on unconditional cash transfers and the poverty rate (page 20)
  • The fiscal impact of changes in the Rupiah exchange rate and oil prices (page 22
  • The sensitivity of GDP growth to investment  (page 24)
  • Methodological note on estimating infrastructure capital stock in Indonesia (page 39)
  • Empirical studies on the links between public and infrastructure capital stocks and growth (page 40)
  • The effect of capacity development grants provided to district education offices (page 48)


July 2013 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Adjusting to Pressures
Report page | Press release | 

Menanggapi berbagai tekanan
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  • Examining the fuel subsidy compensation package (page 26)
  • Indonesia¡¯s challenge: implementing the new social security system (page 34)
  • Indonesia: Facing up to the Double Burden of Malnutrition (page 40)
  • Bureaucracy reform in Indonesia: progress and pitfalls (page 46)


  • China¡¯s proposed ban on low quality coal imports poses a risk to coal exports (page 21)
  • External debt levels remain modest but liquidity risk has risen (page 22)


March 2013 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Pressures mounting
Report page | Press release | 

Tekanan Meningkat
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  • A closer look at the preliminary 2012 budget outturn (page 23)
  • Understanding the value-added in Indonesia¡¯s trade (page 27)
  • Preparing for Indonesia¡¯s urban future: harnessing agglomeration economies (page 31)
  • Piecing together the picture of Indonesia¡¯s infrastructure investment needs (page 37)


  • Property prices, lending growth and risks to financial stability (page 11)
  • A look at the drivers of increasing beef prices in Indonesia (page 13)
  • Serious floods in Jakarta caused tragic loss of life, and also serious economic disruption and price increases (page 15)
  • Indonesia¡¯s changing import mix: the growth of capital goods imports and the growing role of Asia (page 30)

¡ü top


December 2012 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Policies in Focus
Report page | Press release | 

Menyoroti kebijakan
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  • Will rising minimum wages affect job creation in Indonesia (page 21)
  • Indonesia¡¯s successes in disaster reconstruction and preparedness (page 32)
  • Building Jakarta¡¯s resilience to frequent flooding (page 27)
  • Village infrastructure for basic service delivery (page 37)


  • Indonesia¡¯s new Food Law (page 8)
  • Why has the depreciating Rupiah not had a greater impact on inflation? (page 11)
  • Developments in Indonesia¡¯s corporate governance framework (page 13)
  • Labor regulations: a ¡°plateau¡± effect (page 24)
  • The impact of the major 2007 flood on Jakarta (page 28)
  • Rekompak ¨C community-led reconstruction (page 34)
  • A note on reliability in the Supply Readiness Rankings (page 38)


October 2012 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Maintaining resilence
Report page | Press release | 

Menjaga Ketahanan
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  • Indonesia¡¯s manufactured exports: near-term, dynamics and longer-term trends (page 18)
  • The 2013 proposed Budget and the allocation of spending (page 23)
  • Drivers behind the rapid growth of government personnel expenditure (page 30)
  • The Higher Education Law, a milestone achieved but still a difficult road ahead (page 34)


  • The Unified Database¨Ctowards better targeted social assistance programs (page 16)
  • Medium-term trends in Indonesia¡¯s manufactured exports (page 20)


July 2012 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Rising to Present and Future Challenges
Report page | Press release | 

Mengatasi tantangan saat ini dan ke depan
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  • Drivers and implications of recent trends in Indonesia¡¯s current account (page 21)
  • Identifying the constraints to budget execution in the infrastructure sector (page26)
  • Investing in Indonesia¡¯s roads (page 31)
  • The role of the global marketplace in enhancing domestic competitiveness (page 36)


  • Commercial property prices have been increasing strongly, while residential price growth has come down (page 9)
  • The ¡°China effect¡± on global commodity prices (page 20)
  • What is the current account balance? (page 22)
  • Do local manufacturing firms benefit from greater integration? Some case studies from Jakarta and Surabaya (page 37)
  • The potential benefits of input quality and variety for manufacturing competitiveness (page 40)


April 2012 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Redirecting spending
 | Press release | 


  • 2011 budget performance ¨C a brief review (page 17)
  • Doing Business in Indonesia 2012 (page23)
  • Building Indonesia¡¯ social safety net (page 27)
  • Turning quantity into quality in education (page 36)
  • Gender equality is smart economics (page 42)


  • The proposed fuel price increase (page 6)
  • Fuel subsidies are highly regressive with most benefits going to wealthier households (page 8)
  • Looking back to previous fuel price increases (page 11)
  • Key features of Indonesia¡¯s new Land Acquisition Law (page 22)
  • About Doing Business and Doing Business in Indonesia 2012 (page 24)
  • Indonesia¡¯s household-based social assistance programs (page 29)
  • BLT and BLSM (page 33)

¡ü top


December 2011 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Enhancing preparedness, ensuring resilience


  • A 2012 Budget focusing on crisis preparedness and medium-term development (page 17)
  • The BJPS Law and the transformation of Indonesia social security structure (page 23)
  • Indonesia¡¯s manufacturing sector: Floating or reviving? (page 28)
  • Innovation and R&D in Indonesia (page 37)


  • The passage of the OJK Law (page 8)
  • Crisis preparedness measures in the 2012 Budget (page 18)
  • The macroeconomic assumptions for the 2012 Budget and medium-term expenditure framework (page 19)
  • How do exports of manufactured goods respond to macro-economic incentives? (page 31)
  • Recent manufacturing pick up due to strong domestic demand and favorable international developments (page 34)
  • An improved investment climate can increase the productivity gains from foreign R&D spillovers (page 36)
  • Competitive research grants (page 41)


October 2011 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Turbulent Times


  • The potential spillovers from the deteriorating global outlook to Indonesia (page 17)
  • Using PPPs to address Indonesia infrastructure challenges (page 24)
  • Sub-national spending is not delivering (page 30)
  • Identifying constraints to inclusive growth in East Java (page 38)


  • Potential benefits of PPPs for delivery of infrastructure services (page 24)
  • PPP experience in India (page 28)
  • An overview of current transfer mechanisms in Indonesia from the central to subnational governments (page 32)
  • A brief introduction to inclusive growth diagnostics (page 39)


June 2011 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Current Challenges, Future Potential


  • ASEAN 2011: Indonesia¡¯ Chairmanship (page 18)
  • The revival of foreign direct investment (FDI) into Indonesia? (page 21)
  • Addressing Indonesia¡¯s infrastructure challenges to enhance competitiveness and growth (page 28)
  • Connectivity and the Master Plan 2011-2025 (page 32)


  • Recent rice price developments in Indonesia (page 7)
  • Indonesia¡¯s potential in the multi-polar world (page 17)
  • Different sources of data on FDI inflows into Indonesia (page 23)
  • Optimistic outlook, but challenges remain: the views of Japanese-affiliate companies in Indonesia (page 26)
  • The literature on infrastructure and growth a very brief overview (page 31)
  • Geographical distance versus economic distance in Indonesia (page 36)


March 2011 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

2008 Again?


  • Recent rises in food prices and their impact on poor and vulnerable households  (page 18)
  • Indonesia¡¯s fuel subsidies: past experience and lessons from other countries (page 24)
  • Indonesia¡¯s changing patterns of consumption growth from 1996 to 2010 (page 31)
  • Looking towards a rising middle class in Indonesia (page 38)


  • Global oil price developments and Indonesia (page 2)
  • Nominal investment trends in Indonesia (page 5)
  • A snapshot of the changing patterns of Indonesia¡¯s exports (page 8)
  • The case study of the evolution of Bangladesh¡¯s food policy (page 22)
  • A brief introduction to growth incidence curves (page 32)
  • There are several measures of inequality which seek to capture the distribution of households¡¯ economic outcomes (page 35)

¡ü top


December 2010 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Maximizing Opportunities, Managing Risks


  • Managing capital inflows: Policy options for Indonesia (page 12)
  • Quality of public spending and disbursement profile in Indonesia (page 16)


  • Moody¡¯s puts Indonesian government bonds on review for ratings upgrade (page 5)
  • Allocation and spending for the Ministry of Health (page 18)
  • Enhancing internal control and supervision can improve quality of spending (page 19)
  • A brief introduction to the Jamkesmas program (page 28)


September 2010 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Looking Forward


  • Update on the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (page 21)
  • Piercing together insights into the  movements in household purchasing power (page 26)
  • Medium-term macroeconomic projections (page 30) 


  • Recent rice price developments (page 11)
  • The July 2010 electricity tariff adjustment : a modest first step to better targeted energy subsidies at a lower burden on the budget (page 17)
  • Focus on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) (page 37)
  • Severance Reform Options (page 43)
  • PNPM Generasi Target Indicators (page 49)


June 2010 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Continuity Amidst Volatility


  • High lending rates and net interest margins in Indonesia: The sky¡¯s the limit? (page 23)
  • How the GDP deflator has diverged from the CPI in the late 2000s, and what this means for projecting the government¡¯s revenues (page 29)
  • Commodity price movements are large and hard to forecast...and matter for Indonesia¡¯s growth, inflation and public finances (page 34)
  • While commodity prices fluctuations mostly affect prices and the nominal economy in the short-term, there is some response in real activity (page 36)


  • How a stronger  Chinese Renmimbi would impact Indonesia¡¯s economy (page 5)
  • A new tax on cocoa exports (page 19)
  • Climate change issues: land use change and forestry (page 42)


March 2010 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Building Momentum


  • Estimating the impact of Indonesia¡¯s fiscal stimulus (page24)
  • The ongoing implementation of the ASEAN-China free trade agreement (page 27)
  • Capital inflows and central bank sterilization (page 32)
  • The impact of Indonesia¡¯s ¡¯20 per cent rule¡¯ on the level and quality of education spending (page 35)


  • Identifying the regular fluctuations in Indonesia¡¯s Financial Account (page 7)
  • The rise and fall of the international crude palm oil price has had a dramatic impact on export duties (page 15)

¡ü top


December 2009 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Back on track?


  • Some recent developments in Indonesia¡¯s Economy (page 21)
  • Indonesia¡¯s trade flows through the global crisis: from peak to trough and back again (page 21)
  • The rupiah since late 2008: the scale of its movement and the driving factors (page 23)


  • The economy¡¯s slowdown in late 2008 and 2009 has had a disproportionate impact on VAT revenues (page 20)


September 2009 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Clearing Skies


  • Looking ahead ¨C a gradual recovery (page 18)


  • Seasonal adjustment and enhanced economic monitoring (page 3)
  • The government¡¯s proposed 2010 budget (page 26)
  • Estimating the impact of El Nino on poverty (page 28)


June 2009 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Weathering the Storm


  • The Impact of the Global Crisis on Indonesia: Looking Ahead (page 23)


  • The government¡¯s stimulus package (page 29)
  • Classifying expenditure types ¨C what the terms mean (page 31)
  • A primer on trade finance (page 33)

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March 2018 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Towards inclusive growth
Report page | Press release | 

Menuju pertumbuhan inklusif
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  • Collecting More And Spending Better For Inclusive Growth(Page 34)


  • The global economy ends 2017 on a strong note (Page 2)
  • Recent changes in trade policy (Page 27)
  • Why is Indonesia¡¯s tax-to-GDP ratio so low? (Page 50)
  • Guiding principles for Indonesia¡¯s tax reforms (Page 54)
  • Excise taxes to address externalities (Page 56)



March 2018 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

Towards inclusive growth
Report page | Press release | 

Menuju pertumbuhan inklusif
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  • Collecting More And Spending Better For Inclusive Growth(Page 34)


  • The global economy ends 2017 on a strong note (Page 2)
  • Recent changes in trade policy (Page 27)
  • Why is Indonesia¡¯s tax-to-GDP ratio so low? (Page 50)
  • Guiding principles for Indonesia¡¯s tax reforms (Page 54)
  • Excise taxes to address externalities (Page 56)