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RBF Reviews and Strategy


Research notesEvidence notes |  Practice notes (Operational Notes) | Impact notes


Blogs | Interviews l Perspectives videos


Event Resource notes l Event Videos | Presentation slides


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Press Releases | Speeches/Transcriptions

RBF Reviews and Strategy

Louisee Cruz | March 2022

 Catherine Dom; Alasdair Fraser; Joseph Holden, John Patch | July 2021

 | Patch, John;?Holden, Joseph;?Ruhumbika, Francis | July 2021

 | Dom,Catherine;?Fraser,Alasdair;?Mhina,Edward Hiza  | July 2021

 | Jessica Lee and Octavio Medina, December 2018

 | Jessica Lee and Peter Holland, March 1, 2017

 | Peter Anthony Holland, January 2016

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Research Notes

 | Arushi Terway; Nicholas R Burnett; Marina Dreux Frott¨¦ | April 2022 |

 | Youdi Schipper; Pradhan | April 2022 |

Using impact bonds in education in low- and middle-income countries: An evidence review | Angus Elsby; Rebecca Smith; Lilly Monk; James Ronicle | April 2022 | .

 | Rose Tuyeni Peter; Helen Redpath; Louise Savell; Anja Smith; Nick Taylor; Zaahedah Vally; Jodi Wishnia  | April 2022 |  .

Read@Home - Embedding Track and Trace in Book Supply Chains| John Snow International | December 2021



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 | John Snow International | December 2021 | .

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Evidence Notes

In-depth analysis of REACH grants, providing evidence and operational lessons helpful in the design and implementation of result-based interventions in education.

Cambodia -  | July 2022 

Rwanda -  | Galloway, Catherine Julia Winn; Umulisa, Gakuba Diane; Shaba, Erick; Ndayaho, Paulin; Tusiime, Michael; Mutesi, Lillian; Kidwai, Huma | June 2022 

Bangladesh -  | Kumar Biswas, Pierre de Galbert, Shwetlena Sabarwal, Carla Z. Glave, and T. M. Asaduzzaman. 2022 | June 2022

Nepal -  | February 2022 

Sierra Leone -  | November 2021

India -  | Kumar Vivek, Pradyumna Bhattacharjee, Subha Mani, Kumar Avinav | July 2021

 l Marguerite Clarke, Meghna Sharma and Pradyumna Bhattacharjee June 2021

 Ayan Kishore, Manuel Madeira, Amanda Quinn | April 2021 

India: Strengthening teacher mentoring and monitoring systems. Implications for teacher development. Kumar Vivek, Pradyumna Bhattacharjee, Subha Mani, Avinav Kumar, March 2021 | 

Rwanda: Can performance pay for teachers improve students¡¯ learning? Clare Leaver, Owen Ozier, Pieter Serneels, Andrew Zeitlin, January 2021|  | 

 Manuel Madeira, November 2020

. Manuel Madeira, Ayan Kishore, Amanda Quinn, November 2020 | 

 Marina Bassi and Bruno Besbas | June 2020

  Seo Yeon Hong, Xiaonan Cao, Mupuwaliywa Mupuwaliywa | May 2020  

 World Education Inc., May 2020 | 

 International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX), May 2020 | 

 Hadi Baber Khan | May 2020

 | Renata Lemos, Caio Piza l April 2020

 T.M. Asaduzzaman, Deepika Ramachandran, Shwetlena Sabarwal l March 2020

  Room to Read, December 2019  |   |  | 

Tazeen Fasih, Kevin Macdonald, Unika Shrestha, Santoso, Wisno Harto Adi Wijoyo, December 2019

Charles Che, Vincent Perrot, Yevgeniya Savchenko, April 2019

Pedro Cerdan-Infantes and Francisco Zavala Garcia, February 2019

Jean-Benoit Falisse, Marieke Huysentruyt, and Anders Olofsg?rd, February 2019

Islam Asadul, Sungoh Kwan, Eema Masood, Nishith Prakash, and Shwetlena Sabarwal, February 2019 | 

Melissa Ann Adelman, Juan Baron, and Jonathan David Lehe, September 2018

Damien de Walque, and Christine Valente, June 2018 | 

Mariel F. Musso, Eduardo C. Cascallar, Neda Bostani, and Michael Crawford, May 2018 | 

Andrew Coflan, Andrew Ragatz, Amer Hasan, and Yilin Pan, April 2018 | 

Samer Al-Samarrai, Unika Shrestha, Amer Hasan, Nozomi Nakajima, Santoso Santoso, and Wisnu Harto Adi Wijoyo, October 2017 | 

Isaac Mulangu Mbiti, Mauricio Romero, and Youdi Schipper, September 2017 | 

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Impact Notes

Concise case studies of results-based financing projects in countries around the world, with a focus on the broader impact on education systems and policy making.

Colombia: | April 2022 | .

Nepal:  | April 2022| .

Sierra Leone: | April 2022 |.

South Africa: | April 2022 | .

Cambodia: | February 2022| .

| June 2021 |

| June 2021 | .

| June 2021 | .

| February 2022| .

| April 2022 | . 

| April 2022| . 

| April 2022 |. 

| April 2022 | . 

| June 2021 |

| June 2021 | .

| June 2021 | .

| August 2020

 | December 2019

|December 2019

 | December 2019

| December 2019

Practice Notes

Highlights from panel discussions with experts and practitioners sharing their experience in the field and practical advice on how to apply results-based approaches.

 | December 2019

 | December 2019

Operational Notes

Highlights from panel discussions with experts and practitioners sharing their experience in the field and practical advice on how to apply results-based approaches (earlier template, evolved into Practice series).

|November 2020 |English

|November 2020 |Portuguese

| October 2017

| October 2017

| June 2017

| November 2016

| June 2016

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Lars Sondergaard, September 30, 2020

Pradyumna Bhattacharjee, Utteeyo Dasgupta, Subha Mani, Kumar Vivek, November 2020

Alisha Niehaus Berger, June 25, 2018

Jessica Lee and Peter Holland, March 28, 2017

Peter Holland, April 19, 2016

Peter Holland and Christina D. Wright, January 21, 2016

Jessica Lee, December 17, 2015

David Evans, December 15, 2015

Jessica Lee, Peter Holland and Wenna Price, October 15, 2015

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Questions and answers feature stories based on interviews with education policymakers and other stakeholders on their experiences and views on the use, benefits and limitations of results-based financing in education.  

Results-Based Financing in Education: Peru¡¯s Incentive Program and ¡°Performance Commitments¡± |Jaime Saavedra, February 2021

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Perspective videos

Short video clips highlighting perspectives of education policy makers and other stakeholders on the use, benefits and limitations of results-based financing in education. 

 Robert Burch, Acting Deputy Director, Center for Education, USAID | Noveber 14, 2022

 Robert Burch, Acting Deputy Director, Center for Education, USAID | June 22, 2022

How was the results-based framework set up in Peru to improve the performance of local education authorities? Jaime Saavedra, Global Director of Education, the World Bank and former minister of education of Peru, February, 2021

 Jaime Saavedra, Global Director of Education, the World Bank and former minister of education of Peru, February, 2021

Sonia Khouri, Program Manager, Lebanese Ministry of Education and Higher Education, May 2017

Event Videos

Please find more videos in the Event Resource notes

?| Brown Bag Breakfast | Online | January 27, 2022

?| Brown Bag Breakfast | Online | November 16, 2021

?|Virtual Book Launch | Online | November 10, 2021

Brown Bag Lunch | November 26, 2019

Conversation with Five Development Agencies about Results-Based Financing in Education | Panel Discussion, February 28, 2018

 | Panel Discussion co-hosted with Results for Development (R4D), March 23, 2017

 | Panel Discussion in the Comparative & International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference | Atlanta, Georgia, March 5, 2017

Paradigm Shift or Latest Fashion? Results Based Financing in Education | Panel Discussion in the Global Partnership for Education Annual Board Meeting | Oslo, Norway, June 16, 2016

It's Debatable: Fiscal Transfers Don¡¯t Generate Results | Debate co-hosted with the World Bank Governance Global Practice, May 4, 2016

Can School Grants Buy Learning? | Debate, November 24, 2015

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PowerPoint Presentations

Please find more presentations in the Event Resource notes

Emily Gustafsson-Wright, November 26, 2019

Jaime Saavedra, January 21, 2019

Jessica Lee and Samer Al-Samarrai, January 2019

Dung Kieu Vo, September 2016

Shabnam Sinha, September 2016

Imad Saleem, World Bank Group Operations Policy and Country Services Unit, September 2016

Mohamed Yassin, September 2016

Shwetlena Sabarwal, September 2016

Christel Vermeersch, May 2016

Furqan Saleem, May 2016

Camila Gomez Afanado and Pedro Cerdan-Infantes, April 2016

Shwetlena Sabarwal, March 2016

REACH Annual Reports

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Press Releases

US$224 Million More to Support the Lebanese Education System | September 27, 2016

One Hundred Thousand Children Will Benefit from Expanded Access to Public Schools in Lebanon | September 27, 2016

$63 Million in Grants for School Sector Reform Program in Nepal | January 22, 2016

World Bank Approves $250 Million Program to Improve the Quality of Elementary Teachers in Bihar, India | May 20, 2015

World Bank Group Doubles Results-Based Financing for Education to US$5 Billion over Next 5 Years | May 18, 2015

Oslo Summit: Financing Education in Developing Countries | July 9, 2015

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The New Horizon in Education: From Access to Quality
Jim Yong Kim, World Bank Group President | World Education Forum, Incheon, Republic of Korea, May 19, 2015

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